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The Great Global Warming Swindle 1/8
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A commentator at LGF sums it up well:
#46 | Earth2moonbat 3/12/2007 07:35PM PDT |
#34 NY Nana
Here's what I think's going on. Algore made that fast-and-loose piece of non-science called "inconvenient truth". The liberals thought it was great. Until "swindle" came out. Now, they're all crying foul, because "swindle" was piece of "propaganda". Well, compared to IC, it was a paragon of science. So I think they realize that they are in danger of losing the argument if they actually have to refute the points made in swindle. So instead, they want to shout it down. Which makes "inconvenient truth", very inconvenient, because it's so bad, it makes swindle look good.
Thus the call for the Goracle to cool it. He's making them all look like idiots, and now that there's a serious bit of refutation out there, they can't afford that.
Excellent video and excellent quote from it:
"We can`t say that CO2 will drive climate, it certainly never did in the past"
And you know what ticks me off, anyone at anytime, at any month of the year can simply look up the current temperature of the poles, the artic circle, antartica, Alaska, any place where liberals say icebergs are melting, and compare it to record temperatures recorded, historical temperatures, and they will find this global warming stuff is absolute nonsense.
For example I found last week:
"The coldest temperature ever recorded in Alaska was -80
degrees F at Prospect Creek Camp, Jan. 23, 1971. The hottest temperature was 100 degrees F at Fort Yukon, June 27, 1915."
100 degrees in ALASKA in 1915!!!! Did this mean that there was global warming in Alaska in 1915? And 1971 when there were millions of cars without catalytic converters (which weren`t introduced until 1975), spewing tons more pollutants than todays cars, it reached -80 F in Prospect Creek!!