The dude is right. This was no place for the government to get involved.
Yeah I hope one day your kid marries a psychotic male nurse with a death fetish who then starves her to death against your wishes.
The dude is wrong. This WAS the place for government to get involved. Each citizen is precious in God's eyes, regardless of their physical condition, and our government's main job is PROTECTING EACH CITIZEN. I am still extremely sad and angry over Terri Schiavo's murder. >:-(
The government did not "interfere". The congress granted her access to federal court. That's still the judicial system, not the legislative.
A) It was "the government" that was dehydrating this innocent woman to death, by judicial edict.
B) The chief executive of the state of Florida was the primary individual responsible for enforcing Article One, Section Two of the Florida constitution, since an out-of-control local judge was ignoring it.
The government did get involved. Who do you think sent to stormtroopers to the hospice to keep the girl's parents from giving her a drink of water?
I'm sorry. A judge isn't part of "the government"? And you think a county probate court is authorized to issue a death sentence on a citizen who has never been convicted of a crime? On the basis of --- what?
I had mixed feelings about it. I think the courts was wrong but didn't like the govt involvement either. It's not a simple answer.
I agree. It was nanny state BS at it's worst.
So you don't think the courts are "government." Huh?
The same "government" that decided Rowe v Wade and "takings" of private property and gun restrictions, and prayer in public schools, and Elian Gonzales deportation to Cuba and, and...
That pretty much wipes him out of contention though.
You're right. The government should never act to protect the lives of American citizens who are being intentionally starved to death. The government should not protect the right to life. When left up to the courts the ownership of African slaves was upheld (see Dred Scott decision). When left up tot he courts the mass slaughter of unborn children was upheld (see Roe v Wade & Doe v Bolton).
The dude is right. This was no place for the government to get involved."
And they won't, ever again.
Or until the next time, whichever comes first.
>> The dude is right. This was no place for the government to get involved.
That's right. The girl should have gone under the care of her family and the Courts remain clear of torture and death via dehydration.
I wonder if M. Schavio feels any connection to Scott Peterson whatsoevr..............
Of course you are 100% right, but I doubt you get much support on this forum. That whole unfortunate incident seemed to have turned FR into the Internet equivalent of Operation Rescue - the place where you'll find a lot more support than condemnation of Eric Rudolph.
One of the few side benefits is that a lot of people saw how the government behaved in this case and it scared the crap out of them. They decided it was a good idea to stop putting off getting that living will written to avoid a bunch of misguided misedumacated folk prologing their misery.
The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution says: No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law....Romney, a Harvard attorney/MBA, appears to know his Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution says: No State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law....
The Fifth Amendment guarantee of due process is applicable only to actions of the federal government. The Fourteenth Amendment contains virtually the same phrase, but expressly applied to the states. The Supreme Court has basically interpreted the two clauses identically, as Justice Felix Frankfurter once explained in a concurring opinion: "To suppose that 'due process of law' meant one thing in the Fifth Amendment and another in the Fourteenth is too frivolous to require elaborate rejection."
Hey dude newbie, did you follow the story? She wasn't close to dying at all, but she, like you, needed food and water to live. Would YOU like to be starved to death?
The last time I checked the courts were part of government. They shouldn't be allowed to operate independently as if they were the sole rulers of the nation. Romney doesn't understand that it is the duty of executive and legislative officials to protect people when the courts become arbitrary as they were in Terri's case. A woman does not become the property of her husband when she marries. if a husband violates the marriage contract as Michael did. his ability to control his wife should be ended by someone in government who cares about people.