Last week, Bill Simon, a Rudy campaign worker, assured National Review that Rudy supports the Hyde Amendement, the federal law that bans federal funds for abortion services. The Hyde Amendement can't be overturned by executive order. It needs to be approved by Congress to do that. Back in 1993, Bill Clinton lobbied hard his Dem Congress to repeal the Hyde Amendement. Clinton failed.
Below is the link showing an assurance from the Rudy camp about support for the Hyde Amendement. Believe or disbelieve it at your pleasure.
No, he didn't. Bill Simon told National Review that he "had an assurance" that Rudy Giuliani supports the Hyde Amendment.
Since Rudy Giuliani has never come out with such a statement along these lines, and since Simon very specifically did not say that Giuliani himself had provided this "assurance," I think it's pretty safe to say that this is nothing more than a Clintonesque episode of lying to our faces.