Posted on 03/11/2007 5:25:34 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
The Talk Shows
Sunday, March 11th, 2007
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn.; Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Sens. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., Arlen Specter, R-Pa., and Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.
THIS WEEK (ABC): Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va.; former Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan.; singer Loretta Lynn.
LATE EDITION (CNN) : Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari; former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee; Sens. Joseph Biden, D-Del., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; Dole; former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala; Shibley Telhami, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution; Michael Oren, a senior fellow at the Shalem Center.
If Fred Thompson runs, we have one more chance of keeping a Republican in the White House. (If he doesn't, our chances are grim. A Dem spoiler like Nader who'd split the rat vote, that would do it for us. Not much else.)
Look at what does it for American voters lately. Charisma, telegenic appearance, communication skills, name recognition. FT is no Adonis but he is very, very tall and physically impressive, and he definitely knows how to deliver lines.
He could actually win.
And aside from his involvement with CFR (McCain-Feingold), I've seen nothing discouraging about Fred.
Ok, he's no Reagan, and "Fred Thompson" sounds awfully like an also-ran...but nobody's Reagan, even Reagan wasn't always the man we like to remember him being.
We are going to need a good talker if Edwards gets the rat nomination, and I'm sure he will.
Incidentally, when I first became aware of actor FT, I liked him immediately. Sort of a thinking man's Dub Taylor. A good ole boy with a brain.
Now it appears he's on the right side of most issues. This could be a godsend.
So as bitter as I am about CFR, and pessimistic about where we're going as a nation, Thompson looks better by the minute.
Rudy responded well on 9/11 - no question. I will point out that he gained national celebrity as a result. Why that is a significant point is that there is a trait in individuals who are promoted too far too quickly -- they may have an overblown ego and if so, those who work with and for them will be mentally checking the box "does not work well with others". It doesn't always happen this way, but it's easier to find a good manager who has worked his way up over a longer period of time.
You are so right about dems never considering long term consequences. I don't even want to think about Jimmy Carter and the Shah. It hurts my heart. The man should have to go around with a bell shouting, unclean, unclean.
Instead he seems to have some respect among the media and the left.
The libs pattern of jumping into some lame cause with both feet has gone on a long time.
They never acknowledge the consequences or accept blame.
LBJ's war on poverty: the cost to Black families is unfathomable and can never be reclaimed.
Rachel Carson and her Silent Spring: libs flew to the rescue of the mosquito and hundreds of thousands died. They still won't acknowlege their role in this.
And now they're all on this global warming farce. If anything at ALL is done there, we will pay for years, but they will be smug and happy.
Well, I could go on ....
Donna Shalala started out well today.
When she was on CNN a little while ago...John Roberts was asking she and Dole if Kiley should be fired, and who else is to blame.
SHE was the first to answer, and she said that that isn't in their job description...that they are to go to all of the DOD facilities, the VA Hospitals..and any other medical facilities in the US that treat our troops and/or vets.
She would NOT talk about anything political TODAY.
Now, once Bubba Clinton gets ahold of her, and tells her that her interview today was way to non-partisan, she may change her tune....but, for today, I give her an "A".
I found it very interesting that Chris Wallace admitted the reason he didn't respond to (was it DiFi or the other dolt senator from CA?) when she was all aflutter about the horror of Bush firing some federal prosecutors. All political she screamed.
Anyway, the reason he said nothing about Clinton firing ALL of the federal prosecutors was that .... he didn't know.
Keep those cards and letters coming, people. Occasionally it does some good.
But, can one conclude that Chris is not as informed on politics as thousands of freepers?
I conclude that very thing.
fyi, 68-32. Would be pretty politically stupid to veto a bill you KNOW you are going to be overridden on.
Well....we don't have to worry about Fred Thompson.
Donna Brazile just said that Fred Thompson couldn't beat Hillary OR Barack Obama...because "he was only a Senator and not there that long"...
HMMMMMMMMMM ...that sounds more like OBAMA than Thompson, methinks....LOL
Sorry, you will have to explain that comment to me. IMO, the Bush administration viewed this as a tempest in a teapot, and didn't see the treachery that lay within the CIA, State and Justice Depts. I just don't feel that the naivete of the administration is reason enough to keep Libby with a prison sentence dangling over his head.
And, as to fantasy-land, does not Bush repeatedly declare "I amd the Decider"?
There are many calling for an immediate pardon, and I wouldn't call Krauthammer, Kristol, National Review, Boston Herald "screaming lunatic Democrat Campaign contributors pretending to be "Conservative Talk Radio Hosts".
To think that Carter is so stupid he makes the same mistakes over and over, appeasing dictator after dictator it's a wonder anyone ever takes the guy serious at all. What a huge traitor he is.
As I get it, basically Chavez bought his voting machines from us, controlled them, and then found out which sites Carter would monitor during the elections.
Not only that I never knew that there were 1.25 million protesters against him supporting the opposing candidate before the election, chances are he lost big time and everyone everywhere just let it slide!!
This is really unbelievable! Great links SL.
Something really amazing also happened to me last week. Since in down thread, hope you won't mind me promoting the old Blog now.
But I wrote a piece on Jimmy Carter, a blistering, raving, nutzoid rant. Hey, I didn't care if a single soul read it. I wrote because why I always write...want to get it out of my system. Frankly I don't care if anyone is reading this!
My post about James Carter came from deep in my soul because it was Carter, folks, in the reality that we must always face at some point in our lifetimes, who started me to wondering if being a Liberal wasn't the way to go.
Sure, I was a sweet, sexy young college girl (insert wink here) during the Carter era and I didn't much pay attention to politics. I was cool though. And believed in 60's free love, yes I did. Then I started seeing gas lines, then I had to SIT in gas lines, then I fretted about keeping my job, then interest rates on mortgages went up to 17%...then....well I needed to document all this for Kaitlyn Mae, my sweet granddaughter who wasn't even a twinkle in her father's eye who wasn't even a twinkle in her mother's father's eye....(hope this makes sense, I'm getting tired) when Carter was President and I was getting dismayed.
Anyway, I wrote this rant on Carter cause the guy just wrote a lying book and I still despise him and hey, like I told Kaitlyn in my post that she read some day when public school unionized teachers tell her THEIR side of the story...Carter WAS A TERRIBLE PRESIDENT!
I had to write it down, folks, for the grandchildren.
Well I just got the most wonderful comment as a result of another, terrible comment by a Carter paid operative that who did I think I was to go talking bad about Carter when I've never even been in the military.
I just ignored the comment because guys, I'm not making this up, Carter actually PAYS people to go searching out bad stories about him. So okay, I AM making it up. But I know that EVERYTIME I post a Carter-excoriating post on my Blog, some commenter comes back at me. Noticed this on other Blogs as well. I'm suspicious.
Here's hoping I've given enough background because I just ignored that comment about me not being in the military because if that's ALL this Carter paid creep could say...
Anyway, here's the link. Scroll down to the comments....I think the original article is not on this particular post but it IS linked.
This commenter was so very flattering and I am so grateful. I really DO have a small but devoted following on my boutique Blog but they're out there.
As much as my bragging I suppose, this post proves that we who believe in conservative values...we're not alone.
That is one of the lamest things I have ever heard her say. She is usually better than that.
Why do you conclude Edwards will get the nomination? Obama and Hillary and Richardson all cancel each other out?
Fred could beat Hillary. If Obama supporters are calling her a communist dictator, she's really toast.
"let's have the discussion of how the Clintons in 2000, sold pardons to convicted felons., like Marc Rich...including several who were "clients" of Hillary's brothers..the Rodham boys. It woun't be good for her.."
well, that's assuming that anyone in the MSM would bring up the comparison... and that's assuming a lot.
Remember, even on Fox news, Chris Wallace didn't counterattack the assertion that Bush firing federal prosecutors was not only political but practially unheard of, ... and he says 'he didn't know' and, sadly, I believe him.
:-) You are welcome, rodguy.
I have concluded that many newspeople gather information and form opinions within the small circle of fellow newsies with which they associate. Any real stories needing investigation are farmed out to staffers who are seemingly more interested in making contacts and networking for career enhancement. Real fact checking and cross referencing of sources is mostly done in the blogosphere these days.
Please don't bring up the Hillary southern accent. My ears still hurt.
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