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Weekend Show *Preview* for 3/10 - 3/11/07 (not the live thread)
Network and Cable News Networks | 3/10/07 | Network and Cable News Shows

Posted on 03/10/2007 9:22:53 AM PST by Phsstpok

Preview and Analysis for Weekend of March 10th and 11th, 2007

Guest lineup for the Sunday TV news shows:

NBC's "Meet the Press"
  • Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad
  • Michael Duffy
  • Ted Koppel
  • Dana Priest
  • Michael Beschloss

CBS's "Face the Nation"

  • Senator Charles Schumer, D - NY
  • Senator Arlen Specter, R - PA
  • Senator Claire McCaskill, D - Mo

"Fox News Sunday"

  • Former Sen. Fred Thompson
  • Representative Maxine Waters, D - CA
  • Brit Hume
  • Bill Kristol
  • Mara Liasson
  • Nina Easton
CNN "Late Edition"
  • Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari
  • Senator Joseph Biden, D - DE
  • Senator Lindsey Graham, R - SC
  • Mike Huckabee
  • Bill Schneider
  • Donna Brazile
  • David Frum

ABC's "This Week"

  • Senator Jim Webb, D - VA
  • Former Senator Bob Dole
  • Loretta Lynn
  • Torie Clarke
  • Fareed Zakaria
  • David Corn
  • George Will

Also, during research I found these listings for those that follow the Sunday side show:

C-SPAN's Newsmakers:

The Chris Matthews Show:

The surge is now definitely working and their attempts to say it wasn't failed last week.  The combined efforts of Okinawa Jack Murtha, Chucky Schumer, Di Fi, Charlie "troops are stupid" Rangel, Chris "waitress sandwich" Dodd, wise old Carl Levin and the assembled masses of professional anti-war journalists couldn't get that notion to stick.  I make it 7 of 15 guests (4 were on primarily for other topics) and 16 of the 19 journalists as committed to the "anti-war" movement.  And they failed, miserably.  They failed to such an extent that Brian Williams couldn't hide behind any wise pronouncements by them and avoid admitting that the surge is working on his show while broadcasting from Iraq (note, the info is from a John Gibson commentary about William's comments... I can't find it on NBC's site, surprise, surprise).

Since attacking the surge directly didn't work they are likely going to go back to simply ignoring it.  To do that they'll need to come up with another meme for discussing Iraq.  They're going to try two, the first being an attempt to characterize the multi-lateral talks between the US, Iraq and Iraq's neighbors in a regional security conference as a sign that the administration is planning on cutting and running.  No doubt there will be anti-American propaganda aplenty coming out of Tehran and Damascus for the DBM to trumpet.  How sophisticated their delivery is and how prepared the Dhimmicrat and RINO guests are to expound on our "dismal failures" in agreement with the Mullah's and the eye doctor will tell us whether there was advanced coordination in the widely separated performances.

The other main themes last week were the "scandal" at Walter Reed hospital and the economic crash about to happen.  No one bought the economic story.  Even the main players trying to sell the notion looked embarrassed... except Charlie Rangel... he's never embarrassed by anything he says.  But the Walter Reed story seemed to work for them.  Silly statements about (surprise!) bad outpatient treatment and implications that this is new and unique in VA hospitals in the Bush era went unchallenged in the rush by Republicans to jump on the bandwagon of being "concerned about the troops."  No one asked Jack Murtha, who has claimed that he has visited Walter Reed almost continuously, why he never noticed these horrible conditions or ever said anything about them in his numerous appearances on these shows or in his day job.  Therefore we will be blessed with more on the Walter Reed scandal and the obvious guilt of McChimpy Bushitler in personally conspiring to deny adequate treatment to the millions (yes millions) or Iraq war wounded.  How heartless.  That will be meme number two about the Iraq war, that it is the cause of the horrible conditions at Walter Reed, therefore we must withdraw redeploy now.   Three of the big five Sunday shows explicitly list Walter Reed as a topic and it's clear from the guest list that all of the shows intend to touch on it and continue to augment and spread the new meme.

Besides pushing the anti-war agenda they will also try to make hay over the Libby verdict.  Note that there isn't a Victoria Toensing, Byron York (more from NRO) nor any other qualified person as a guest to actually talk about the reality.  Fox doesn't even include Charles Krauthammer on their panel.  The closest they come is Bill Kristol, and he's not particularly informed or informative, just opinionated.  Therefore we are in for more of the Joe and Valerie hagiography fantasy.  I fully expect the news that Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones are being cast as Joe and Valerie in the recently announced Hollywood movie.  The same shows that listed Walter Reed as a topic also list Libby and the line ups are equally "qualified" on the other shows to deliver the DBM Verdict on the verdict.  I think they hope that after this the debate will be settled and the only question left will be whether Cheney is impeached, resigns, or dies first.

What's left to mention is what little is unique to each show.

NBC Meet The Press fires the opening shots (at least as scheduled here in Memphis) in the assault on the war based on the regional conference.  They have the outgoing U.S.  Ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, who is our representative at the talks on Saturday (which may have actually started as it is 9 AM CST as I type this).  I expect Lil Timmah to be in full on hostile hunch mode for this interview (no doubt via satellite) with a raft of skeptical questions and misleading premises.  Khalizad has shown himself able to deal with these situations quite well, if not flamboyantly, so I don't expect Timmah to land any direct blows, but I think he's going to be more interested in setting up so many negative premises that Khalizad will only be able to directly address a few, thus leaving others unchallenged as "proof" of Lil Timmah's point of view.  The rest of the show is dedicated to a rogues gallery of reliable propaganda merchants.  Michael Duffy is the author of Time's cover story, listed in the table of contents as Cheney in Twilight, with a title in the online version of the article of Cheney's Fall From Grace and with a cover headline of The Verdict on Cheney (yep, that's the color they used).  Gee, I wonder why he's on this week?  Ted Koppel is also on and he's promoting his upcoming Discovery Channel special, Our Children's Children's War (premiere 3/11), where he examines the horror that is McChimpy Bushitler's war on terror and how we must not only redeploy from Iraq but somehow find a way to stop this madman's unending war (that's Bush's madness, not Osama's, read the WaPo review for more background).  Okey dokey.  That'll be right up there with the series that Ted did on Discovery on just how sweet and innocent the Iranians are and how unjust the "axis of evil" charge was.  Hadn't heard of that one?  Well, that's OK.  The intelligentsia did and they have been parroting Ted's talking points ever since.  Beschloss is a Clinton insider and loyalist, so we can listen to him for the Clintonista talking points on the subjects to be discussed and Dana Priest is the co-author of the Walter Reed scandal story, so be prepared to get the official DBM party line about the causes and assignment of guilt over this greatest of scandals ever.  Can you say "impeachment?"  I knew you could.

CBS Face The Nation turns it's half hour over to three vocal critics of the administration over the Walter Reed scandal and the war on terror in general.  Dhimmicrat Chucky Schumer and RINO Snarlin' Arlen Specter have reliably been very specific in laying blame this week on the administration for not only the "never before seen" problems at the VA and the horrible abuses by the FBI of the Patriot Act (26 mistakes out of 50,000 uses of National Security letters) and they have been demanding immediate oversite hearings (read show trials), new restrictions and punishment for this gross violation of the civil rights of suspected terrorists.  Claire McCaskill is along to emphasize the Walter Reed problems (and Bush's guilt) as the co-sponsor of legislation to improve conditions at Walter Reed.  Never mind that it is slated for closure and that there's a new modern facility almost ready to replace it, let's reinforce the current failing bureaucracy at Walter Reed.  No doubt she will subtly mention her co-sponsor Barack Obama fifty or sixty times.

Fox News Sunday breaks away from the pack to push the notion that Fred Thompson is destined to emerge as the great white hope of the Conservative movement.  Fred himself will be on to discuss the topic.  I like Fred and would likely support him over many others in the field, but I think the reason his candidacy is being pushed is that the DBM is deathly afraid that Rudy may be winning over the conservative base, despite their best efforts.  Rudy will never win over the Buchannanites, Perotistas or the 100%ers, but the DBM is shocked that conservatives in general and evangelicals in particular are not marching en masse to burn Rudy at the stake.  The unthinkable may be happening, conservatives actually being willing to "settle" for someone who isn't perfect and rally behind him, despite single issue differences.  That must be stopped and a Fred Thompson candidacy may be their way to try to do that.  To provide balance to Fred Thompson they trot out Maxine "the Crips and Bloods are my constituents" Waters.  That tells you what they think of Fred Thompson's politics.  But Maxine is the gift that keeps on giving.  Unless Chris is an even worse moron than usual she can be counted on for some priceless gems that the DBM will promptly ignore.  We have 3/4 of the regular panel, with Brit, Bill and Mara, but the role of Juan is being played by Nina Easton this week.

CNN Late Edition brings us back to Iraq and the regional conference with the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari.  He is the Iraqi official who praised "Iran's constructive role in Iraq," though everyone leaves out his comments encouraging the constructive things while pointing to and condemning the negative things, like providing arms to insurgents and Al Qaeda alike.  And then Biden's back and Wolfie's got him.  Where's the no-doze?  With Biden and Hagel likely candidates for their respective parties' presidential nominations dare I spell out the nightmare scenario?  I think that if those two somehow managed to get the nominations that the suicide rate would provide proof that we must replace global warming with their egos as the greatest threat to life on Earth.  Lindsey Graham is on and I'm afraid to watch and see which Lindsey shows up.  If it's the Lindsey Graham from last weeks MTP then it will be fun.  If the usual Lindsey Graham shows up, however, then it will be painful (and provide lots of sound bites).  Since the topic is likely the legalisms surrounding the Patriot Act and the "scandal" at Walter Reed and not the surge I'm expecting evil Lindsey and not his good twin.  Mike Huckabee's appearance may be CNN's opening salvo in the "who will drop out first" contest.  Mike doesn't seem to be catching on much and I think they want to have him on one last time.  The discussion of like minds consists of Schneider, Brazile and Frum.  CNN can always count on all of them for the right quotes given the right questions.  Wolfie will be conducting.

ABC This Week has the madman from Virginia and Viagra Bob.  Webb was incoherent in appearances this week about his version of the cut and run redeployment benchmark legislation so expect very gentle handling from Little Georgie Steponallofus.  Also expect little discussion of that, as it looks like it's already another failed initiative by the Dhimmicrats, and instead look for Georgie to fish for comments hostile to McChimpy Bushitler on the treatment of veterans.  My bet is that Bob Dole will be on first or on tape so that he won't have a chance to respond to anything Jim Bowie Webb may say.  Even if Dole follows Webb live or is on at the same time I have very little faith in him standing up for the administration and speaking truth to bureaucracy and the DBM.  The roundtable has Torie Clarke, Fareed Zakaria, David Corn and George Will on to bash the administration in the usual ways.  Corn is actually the only direct player in the Wilson/Plame affair to appear this week and I expect him to spin emphatically, with no fear of contradiction from anyone else on the panel.  The administration has no friends on any panel ABC arranges.  If someone were sympathetic to the Bush position on a given issue they simply wouldn't be invited that week.

Three of the four Saturday shows look like they'll provide the usual warm up for the Sunday shows, while Lil Timmah goes off on a tangent.  The Beltway Boys provides the weeks recap of conventional wisdom from the ruling elite.  First, Libby's guilty so everyone should stop questioning the DBM narrative about the "leak."  Second, the anti-war base of the Dhimmicrat party aren't happy with how moderate the leadership of their party is (really, the nation's mother in law and Dingy Harry are being pushed as "moderates").  Finally they trot out the latest wingnut from the "Christian right" to snipe at Rudy.  The hyenas in the DBM just can't believe that they can't eventually find some conservative to use to bring Rudy down and they'll keep trying till they do.  Fox News Watch jumps on the "Libby is guilty so accept everything else the DBM has said" bandwagon while also wallowing in the Walter Reed scandal.  Look for most of the time on these topics to be given over to Neal Gabler and (part timer) Jane Hall.  The Journal Editorial Report takes a look at who Barack Obama really is.  Many would assume that this will be a hostile profile, but I don't think that's JER's style.  They will present real information, not spin and not only facts that might hurt him.  They're interested in providing information others don't.  I'll be interested to see if they can go beyond the facade that has been constructed by the DBM.  They also tackle the Libby trial.  I have less faith that they'll delve into the fundamental issues as they have done that before and they don't like repeating themselves, expecting their audience to be already informed on the real facts not the media spin.  Instead they'll look at the practical and political results of the verdict and speculate about the future, particularly the impact of a Presidential pardon.  CNBC's Tim Russert Show is promoting Suze Ormon's latest book on empowering women economically.  No doubt her revelation that she is a 40 plus year old virgin will come up, but I'm betting the main opportunity for a sound bit will be if Tim can get into a discussion of the desirability of a woman becoming President.  Who could he be thinking about?

So, Bush's failure in Iraq, betrayal of all veterans and obvious guilt in earth shaking conspiracies against innocent anti-war activists, both in and out of the CIA and State Department, are the order of the day, with a dash of '08 politics thrown in for good measure.  Could this be the opening salvo in a formal campaign leading up to impeachment hearings?  Watch for the "I" word to be used on at least a couple of the shows this week, most likely ABC by Webb, CBS by Schumer or Fox by Mad Maxine, amongst the guests, and from any of this crop of journalists, particularly Corn.  It may be that we'll get dueling calls for impeachment, some focusing on Cheney for the "Libby cloud" and others on Bush for a laundry list of "high crimes and misdemeanors," starting with lying about WMD in Iraq.

We'll see if anything worthwhile comes out of this weeks line up.

This should be cross posted to my blog at later today. This post exists primarily as a heads up for who is on the weekend talks shows, what they've been invited on to push (based on their recent pronouncements) and the spin (meme) the DBM is likely trying to push based on that information. All of this is prep work for the weekly Sunday Morning Talk Show thread posted by Alas Babylon!. That thread provides a live commentary and analysis of the Sunday talking head shows, with valuable insight and exceptional fact checking. we are the Jedi Council of FreeRepublic, at least in regards to these DBM gabfests. You wanna know what was said and what it meant, as well as where they messed up? Read that thread!

Mark Kilmer has posted his excellent preview of the Sunday shows over at Redstate.COM.  Here is his summary from that preview:

Khalilzad (MTP) is an important interview, as could be Fred Thompson (FNS). Waters {FNS) is going to say what Waters does, as is Jim Webb (TW). I don't know what tack Dole (TW) will take, but we know what Specter and Schumer (FTN) will spout. I wonder if McCaskill (FTN) will babble incohrently.

Joe Biden vs. Lindsey Graham (LE) is one we've seen before in many forms. Maybe Huckabee (LE) can light a fire. It seems that all Joe Biden can do these days, campaign-wise, is to extinguish them.

 I will try to post a link to his Sunday review when it is up, as well as a link to AB!'s Sunday thread.

TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: guests; iraq; sundaytalkshows; walterreed
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To: MNJohnnie

Johnnie EVERY WEEK is the same as last week...they just shuffle the same deck.

21 posted on 03/10/2007 10:22:23 AM PST by Txsleuth (I don't know who I am voting for yet...just window shopping.)
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To: Bahbah; Alas Babylon!

Well, if any other Freepers are going to be in Orlando the week of June 4th let's see if we can set up at least one get together during the week, at least for some adult beverages (for those that indulge).

Alas Babylon! and I have the conference we're attending (he's presenting some of the time) so we're tied up in the day, and our own families will be along, so we have to at least acknowledge them in passing ;^> but I'm sure we could find some place that we could get together and put faces to names and toast to our wisdom.

Too bad the gays have probably already taken the red tee shirt theme. Maybe we could all wear cammo and really freak people out.

22 posted on 03/10/2007 10:27:57 AM PST by Phsstpok (Often wrong, but never in doubt)
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To: Bahbah
Here is a useful read. Did Privatization Undo Walter Reed

Now that's informative.  Thank you for the link.

Have you sent it to the shows? 

23 posted on 03/10/2007 10:32:33 AM PST by Phsstpok (Often wrong, but never in doubt)
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To: Phsstpok

Duh! Now I will. *Hits forehead*

24 posted on 03/10/2007 10:34:01 AM PST by Bahbah (.Regev, Goldwasser & Shalit, we are praying for you.)
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To: Bahbah

That is an interesting take at CQ...but, notice it started by making you feel that the privatization was the problem, and HALLIBURTON (gasp) was mentioned...

However, when you read the whole wasn't the fault of the civilian contractor at was the donut hole in the middle from the time the contract was awarded, and the work began.

I think you add to that...the BRAC findings that said the Walter Reed would be closing..and there was probably a reluctance on some of the Army people's part to ADD more positions and money to a facility that was slated to not only be taken over by a private company..but ultimately, be closed.

An aside: When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was told that if I went into labor before midnight of Feb. 28th, I was to go to the hospital that I was registered at..(this letter came about a month before her due date)...BUT, if I went into labor AFTER midnight on Feb. 29th...I was to go to a different hospital, in a different city, that I had never even been to.

As it turned out, my water broke on the 27th and so I went to the 1st hospital...but, when I got there (in the middle of the night)...they had NO LABOR rooms available, because since the Ob/Gyn part was closing they used them for storage.

I had to wait a few hours for them to clean one out...and in that time, 3 other women came in, in labor.

As it turned out, my daughter was the LAST ever born in that hospital...but, is just shows what could have been happening to a different extent at Walter Reed.

I saw on Fox New last injured soldier that was at Walter Reed and is now at San Antonio..and San Antonio is a much newer facility...but he said the living conditions were very similar..and that he had no problem with them.

He said, "Hey they are barracks.." LOL

Did you notice that some of the people that Bush added to his Commission with Bob Dole, does have some troops that have been injured in this war...which is a great idea, IMHO>

25 posted on 03/10/2007 10:34:02 AM PST by Txsleuth (I don't know who I am voting for yet...just window shopping.)
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To: Txsleuth

You are never too old. :)

26 posted on 03/10/2007 10:34:54 AM PST by Bahbah (.Regev, Goldwasser & Shalit, we are praying for you.)
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To: Bahbah; Phsstpok

I just found this one: A bunch of Vets at a bar discussing this...

BTW..Bah, I don't know if you ever watch the Saturday finance shows on Fox, but the one with David Asman this morning had a great debate about how this Walter Reed problem could be indicative of what ALL of our health care would be if it was turned into universal health care.

It was a spirited debate..and for once, I paid a lot of attention.

27 posted on 03/10/2007 10:43:54 AM PST by Txsleuth (I don't know who I am voting for yet...just window shopping.)
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To: Txsleuth; Phsstpok; the Real fifi; Laverne; onyx; Howlin; SE Mom; Grampa Dave; samadams2000; ...

First class recounting of the TRUTH! Thanks, sleuthie, and thanks for highlighting this piece, phsstpok. I'm still stick to my stomach ............


"Some envision an ever-widening probe, or a back room deal in which Libby rats out his former puppet-master.

Blogger Andrew Sullivan thinks it’s time to consider impeaching Cheney, and Hardball’s Chris Matthews has long believed in the inherent evil of Vice President “Chee-nee.”

The Left’s fantasies aside, Fitzgerald has declared, “the investigation was inactive prior to the trial...I do not expect to file any additional charges.

We’re all going back to our day jobs.”

Leftists, too, have resumed their day jobs, which consist of slandering the president and undermining their nation’s morale during a war."


* Wilson claimed Vice President Cheney dispatched him to Niger; Cheney did not even know of his trip.

* Wilson claimed his wife “had nothing to do with the matter. She definitely had not proposed that I make the trip.”; however, Plame wrote a memo successfully advocating her husband be chosen for the assignment (based in part on the fact that he had “lots of French contacts”).

* Wilson dissembled that he wrote a report of his activities; he never laid pen to paper.

* Wilson said his trip uncovered no evidence of Saddam Hussein’s attempt to purchase yellowcake uranium; the CIA agents who debriefed him averred that his testimony “lent more credibility” to the notion Saddam had.

* Wilson claimed he saw the documents the uranium claim was based on, and they were forgeries, because “the dates were wrong and the names were wrong”; however, the CIA did not have these documents until eight months after Wilson left. In this case – in which Wilson, not Libby, remembered things that never occurred – he sheepishly claimed he had “misspoken.”

The difference between Joe Wilson’s proven lies and Libby’s theoretical ones could not be more stark:

Libby’s endangered no one, while Wilson’s undermined the commander-in-chief while U.S. troops were in the midst of a hot war.

Neither could their recompense be any more divergent.

Libby faces 30 years in prison and a $1.25 million fine. Meanwhile, the Plame-Wilsons will proceed with their lawsuit against the Bush administration for “outing” Plame, field an offer from Hollywood heavyweight Jerry Zucker to make a biopic (which I believe is tentatively titled, “The Protocols of Learned Scooter Libby”),

and Valerie Plame will follow her husband’s bestseller with a $2 million book deal of her own. The disgraced ambassador said his wife “wept” – tears of joy – “when she heard the news” of Libby’s conviction.

The status-driven social climbers are crying all the way to the bank.

Patriotic Americans, dedicated to winning the War on Terror – or who simply believe in the ideals of truth and decency – cry, too.


Thomas Sowell - Memory Problems

"A man's life has been ruined because his memories differed from that of others — whose memories also differed among themselves — and media liberals are exulting as if their conspiracy theories had been vindicated.

More important, how are we to expect highly qualified people, with far better options than a government job, to risk being put through the Washington meatgrinder because of politics, media hype and special prosecutors who can create crimes in the course of an investigation, when there was none to begin with?"


Charles Krauthammer - Fitzgerald's Folly

"There is a second instance of Russert innocently misremembering.

He stated under oath that he did not know that one may not be accompanied by a lawyer to a grand jury hearing. This fact, in and of itself, is irrelevant to the case, except that, as former prosecutor Victoria Toensing points out, the defense had tapes showing Russert saying on television three times that lawyers are barred from grand jury proceedings.

This demonstration of Russert's fallibility was never shown to the jury.

The judge did not allow it. He was upset with the defense because it would not put Libby on the stand -- his perfect Fifth Amendment right -- after hinting in the opening statement that it might.

He therefore denied the defense a straightforward demonstration of the fallibility of the witness whose testimony was most decisive.

Toensing thinks this might be the basis for overturning the verdict upon appeal.

I hope so. This is a case that never should have been brought, originating in the scandal that never was, in search of a crime -- violation of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act -- that even the prosecutor never alleged.

That's the basis for a presidential pardon. It should have been granted long before this egregious case came to trial.

It should be granted now without any further delay."


Fitz's overblown, crimefighter Cheney obsession .. his daydream of some dark and sinister conspiracy, it's just outrageous. What an egotistical, blasphemous, fantastical and flimsy premise for the national tumult and personal damage he engineered.

Any future judicial engagement by him is now completely suspect in my mind. He exhibited a profound lack of judicial and even common sense discretion.

Who watches the "watcher?"

I wonder if he's been reading all the dissident opinion pieces about him and clipping for his scrapbook.

God bless the grownups in this time of war:

Vice President Cheney, President Bush and our awesome troops ... doing their job 24/7 throughout this shameful debacle, as they will and with honor, till their terms are over.

God bless Scooter Libby and his family.


You could have used your time to hunt and destroy the "gold bars" of real corruption and national security risks; instead, you were pathetically bent over ... picking up "pennies" off the floor.

28 posted on 03/10/2007 11:31:35 AM PST by STARWISE (They (Rats) think of this WOT as Bush's war, not America's war-RichardMiniter, respected OBL author)
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To: Txsleuth

It's too beautiful here today to watch much tv at all so I didn't see that discussion, but I personally think it need to be repeated over and over that the government, even with the best intenions, is not an efficient means of delivering certain services, maybe most.

And Hillary! Care would be even worse. It would not be long before it went broke and they would have to decide who got care and who did not. As far as I know, the VA has not yet taken to telling old vets to just go home and die. They certainly took care of my father until the very end through a long and difficult illness.

Have you heard the latest idea? They are saying that the elderly are costing too much money with all of the chronic diseases they develop and this can all be changed if they will just adopt "healthier" lifestyles. I have news for them. Very few elderly escape one chronic illness or another, no matter how they live their lives. So what are they planning to do...monitor everyone's "life style" and if you were a good little dobee, you get treatment, and if you weren't, you don't.

So the whole idea will be that everyone "deserves" health care but there have to be exceptions due to costs. Oh, I could go on and on.

29 posted on 03/10/2007 11:39:37 AM PST by Bahbah (.Regev, Goldwasser & Shalit, we are praying for you.)
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Thanks for posting those remarks from others...especially the one from Krauthammer that points out what Toensing said re: Russert.

I remember reading that the jurors based a lot of their verdict on Russert's testimony and felt he was "truthful"...more than Libbty.

That is ridiculous that Krauthammer's column points that out.

Don't forget that next week Plame and maybe Fitzy will be in front of a FRIENDLY democrat run hearing in the House.

I think we need to contact anyone necessary to make sure they HAVE to be under oath.

30 posted on 03/10/2007 11:42:11 AM PST by Txsleuth (I don't know who I am voting for yet...just window shopping.)
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To: Bahbah

Oh..dear, that is SCARY...

This is goes lock step with the trans-fat monitors, non-smoking monitors...

This is WAY to scary to contemplate.

I SAY that we should do the opposite.

Sell health insurance like car insurance, or a car even.

YOU pick what coverage YOU want covered. There is no reason that I need to pick Ob/Gyn coverage...I have had a complete hysterectomy....I go once a year for a PAP and my Premarin prescription..I can pay CASH for that.

Also, I could afford to pay for a regular check up if necessary, if I could pick the price and how I like him/her....not having the GOV. pick my doctor.

They did say on that show that a lot of young people are NOT going into medical school right now...because they feel if the Dems get their way for universal health care...they don't want to be beholden to the govt. and become a "partner" with the Fed. govt.

31 posted on 03/10/2007 11:49:40 AM PST by Txsleuth (I don't know who I am voting for yet...just window shopping.)
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To: STARWISE; Txsleuth; the Real fifi; Laverne; onyx; Howlin; SE Mom; Grampa Dave; samadams2000; ...
Jerry Zucker is the one doing the film on Wilson/Plame?

Jerry Zucker? Brother of David Zucker, who gave us the hilarious viral ads last year on Mad Maddy Halfbright's love affair with Lil Kim Jong Il and Taxman?

And with a title like “The Protocols of Learned Scooter Libby” there are definite possibilities lurking under the surface. Remembering the Zucker brother's earlier films there is the distinct possibility that no one's reputation will survive such a film but that Wilson/Plame might be the least pleased with the results in the long run.

I can see totally over the top (and therefore not to be believed) portrayals of Bush, Cheney and the rest of the White House players, but totally anal retentiive and straight portrayals of Wilson/Plame that would slit their throats with flattery.

Starwise, I've copied those on your To: list that were visible to me. If you consider this notion worthy please ping anyone I've missed. Thanks for the whole post, by the way. Great analysis.

Admin mods - consider if this is a case of "loose lips" and remove it if you think that is necessary.

32 posted on 03/10/2007 11:51:11 AM PST by Phsstpok (Often wrong, but never in doubt)
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To: Phsstpok

That whole movie idea makes me sick.

Did you read the article on last week sometime on FR about how these two guys were making a documentary about Michael Moore's documentaries...and they were on HIS SIDE, until they found out how BOGUS his documentaries are???


I am sure that this movie will be truthful to 10 on a scale of 1 - 100.

33 posted on 03/10/2007 11:54:44 AM PST by Txsleuth (I don't know who I am voting for yet...just window shopping.)
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To: Phsstpok

The Walter Reed "scandal" is this year's media offensive against the American military, cleverly disguised as "we care about the troops."

They had so much success in tar-and-feathering our military forces with the insinuations that every military prison guard and interrogator was a sadistic pervert, and thus our efforts in the War against Jihadis are bad, that they had been looking for a new 'issue' that could continue the slams.

34 posted on 03/10/2007 12:14:13 PM PST by maica (America will be a hyperpower that's all hype and no power -- if we do not prevail in Iraq)
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To: Txsleuth
Don't forget that next week Plame and maybe Fitzy will be in front of a FRIENDLY democrat run hearing in the House.

I think we need to contact anyone necessary to make sure they HAVE to be under oath.

Members of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform


Henry A. Waxman, California, Chairman

Rep. Tom Lantos, California

Rep. Edolphus Towns, New York

Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski, Pennsylvania

Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, New York

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Maryland

Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, Ohio

Rep. Danny K. Davis, Illinois

Rep. John F. Tierney, Massachusetts

Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay, Missouri

Rep. Diane E. Watson, California

Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, Massachusetts

Rep. Brian Higgins, New York

Rep. John A. Yarmuth, Kentucky

Rep. Bruce L. Braley, Iowa

Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, District of Columbia

Rep. Betty McCollum, Minnesota

Rep. Jim Cooper, Tennessee

Rep. Chris Van Hollen, Maryland

Rep. Paul W. Hodes, New Hampshire

Rep. Christopher S. Murphy, Connecticut

Rep. John P. Sarbanes, Maryland

Rep. Peter Welch, Vermont


Rep. Tom Davis, Virginia, Ranking Minority Member

Rep. Dan Burton, Indiana

Rep. Christopher Shays, Connecticut

Rep. John M. McHugh, New York

Rep. John L. Mica, Florida

Rep. Mark E. Souder, Indiana

Rep. Todd Russell Platts, Pennsylvania

Rep. Chris Cannon, Utah

Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr., Tennessee

Rep. Michael Turner, Ohio

Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California

Rep. Kenny Marchant, Texas

Rep. Lynn A. Westmoreland, Georgia

Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, North Carolina

Rep. Virginia Foxx, North Carolina

Rep. Brian Bilbray, California

Rep. Bill Sali, Idaho


If any of these folks represent a FReeper who sees this please contact them and ask them to take the gloves off during "Waxman's Witch Hunt" hearings into Plamegate.  Even if it's a Dhimmicrat, they respond to constituents.

I'm also going to contact the House Republican leadership and scream bloody murder that they've left a vacancy open on this committee.  That's just ridiculous.


35 posted on 03/10/2007 12:16:33 PM PST by Phsstpok (Often wrong, but never in doubt)
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Thank you for the ping.

What we are seeing, dressed up in the name of everything that is great about this country and its freedoms, is how the left uses the power of the government to destroy democracy and freedom. From the DOJ referral, to the appointment of Fitzgerald in whom was vested every resource of the federal government, to an indictment so narrowly drawn to exclude an examination of merit and reason, to a judge who could not see his way clear to the foundation of presumed innocence in allowing the defense to mount their case.

I'd like to say that with Libby what we have is a jaywalker at a crash scene but the fact is we don't even have a crash scene. And yet, the wheels on the leftist bus will keep rolling because they are convinced not only that there was a crash but that there was fatality too. Never-mind that the alleged death victim is living, breathing and profiting.
36 posted on 03/10/2007 12:27:41 PM PST by Dolphy
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To: Phsstpok
The unthinkable may be happening, conservatives actually being willing to "settle" for someone who isn't perfect and rally behind him, despite single issue differences. That must be stopped and a Fred Thompson candidacy may be their way to try to do that.

Boy, you nailed this one. I like Fred Thompson too, but this is a "Stop Giuliani" effort by the DBM. We will know the ones they most fear by their efforts to undo them.

I think we all realize that what we see isn't just Bush Derangement Syndrome. They don't like any of us and they would do the same things to any Republican, whether arch-conservative or not. They particularly would not want a Republican who might just tell them to go stuff it and who has a history of recognizing who the enemy is and not giving any quarter.

President Bush is a truly decent human being and quite NOT conservative in a number of ways. He genuinely wanted a "new tone" in DC, and look what they have done to him. They fiercely do not want a Republican who might actually fight back, who can speak directly to people about what he is doing and why. These are qualities that I find attractive in Giuliani (with whom I disagree on a number of social issues).

37 posted on 03/10/2007 12:31:52 PM PST by Bahbah (.Regev, Goldwasser & Shalit, we are praying for you.)
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To: Txsleuth; Bahbah; Phsstpok; All

Hey .. I just realized that I was "stick" to my stomach .. ohlord .. LOL. I AM THAT SICK!

38 posted on 03/10/2007 12:36:15 PM PST by STARWISE (They (Rats) think of this WOT as Bush's war, not America's war-RichardMiniter, respected OBL author)
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To: Phsstpok

I know Patrick McHenry is a firedbrand...and I think he would definitely insist that all panelists be under oath.

I don't trust Tom Davis...he voted with the dems on the war resolution...and was VERY with the dems in the hearing about Walter Reed.

Chris Shays is like Lindsey never know which person will show up.

There are a LOT of true lefties on the Dems roster.

39 posted on 03/10/2007 12:41:49 PM PST by Txsleuth (I don't know who I am voting for yet...just window shopping.)
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LOL. You should have seen one of my posts last week. You would think English is my second or even third language.

I am sorry you are not feeling well. Tell them to take that stick out right now :O)

40 posted on 03/10/2007 12:42:55 PM PST by Bahbah (.Regev, Goldwasser & Shalit, we are praying for you.)
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