I wouldn't do anything. If I were a weenie spined lib, I would cry to the media and try to hold all those horrible Republicans feet to the fire for what you said. I am quite confident of my own sexuality, so I wouldn't even whop you upside the head. I might just chuckle at you. Then, I would forget about it.
Well, for the record I wasn't saying it was me calling you a slur, but some anonymous person.
And I still think most people would rightfully deck the person calling them a faggot.
The reason many folks, at least decent folks who prefer to avoid the charges of hypocrisy, are upset with Ann about this is that she cheapens the discourse & smears all conservatism when she with her thoughtless ugly "jokes". She plays right into the hoary old charge that all conservatives are vicious knee-jerking neanderthals, that the religious right are all clucking meanspirirted hypocrites.
And for what purpose? Just so she can get a few titters for a ridiculously immature 'joke'? She deliberately sabotages all the coalition-builders out there trying desperately to grow the base for conservatism just so she can get her name in the headlines & sell a few more books?
Despite the fact that the amen chorus around here gets off on Ann's self-serving schtick which damages the party & dilutes the message, most of the people conservatives must persuade in order to prevail at election-time,aka Mr. & Mrs. Flyover Country, hear this & say:"Know what? I don't think I want to be identified with those creeps. They clearly don't have anything to say so they just poison the debate by attacking the opposition with juvenile nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah ad hominems."
We're supposed to be the adults here. A certain "sunny optimist" we all knew & loved must be turning in his grave.