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Giuliani Speaks at CPAC (CSPAN) LIVE
| 3/1/07
Posted on 03/02/2007 8:40:17 AM PST by areafiftyone
All day today we are covering speakers and panels at the 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC. This morning, we'll hear from Republican presidential hopeful former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He will be followed by Reps. Scott Garrett (NJ), Tom Tancredo (CO), and others.
TOPICS: Front Page News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: cpac; cpac2007; giuliani; rino; rudy; rudy2008; rudygiuliani
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To: TommyDale
I'm actually surprised that a conservative here at FR hasn't been blamed for the lost of the audio and video yet. ROFLMAO, conservatives have been blamed for every lost election and vote since the 19th century, why not audio-video....
posted on
03/02/2007 11:01:11 AM PST
("I respect and will protect a woman's right to choose" -- Mitt Romney, April 2002)
To: EternalVigilance
My bet is Rudy will be the standard bearer despite what the noisey right rattles. He basically hasn't even acknowledged the social right exists.
To: EternalVigilance
Whose butt boy are you today?
posted on
03/02/2007 11:01:29 AM PST
(DEFEAT Hillary Clinton, Marxist, student of Saul Alinsky & ally and beneficiary of Soros.)
To: Howlin
posted on
03/02/2007 11:01:45 AM PST
("Liberalism": Now in two delicious Party Flavors!)
To: EternalVigilance
If a had a buck for every time I've seen the Rooty Rooters holding donations over Jim's head, I could at least buy a nice steak dinner. With a good bottle of wine.Drama queen.
posted on
03/02/2007 11:01:58 AM PST
(There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity)
To: Hildy
They have succeeded at making FR a shrill, angry, and unwelcoming website where people are intimidated into not posting and, frankly, leaving.I see that viewership of FR is down about 22% over the past few months. The shrillness has been, I would think, the main reason for this. Civil debate is one thing, but the hyperventaliating and name-calling has driven a lot of people away. If the owners here were really concerned about the future of this forum, you'd think they'd reign-in some of what's been going on, even if they happen to agree with the position of the spleen-venters. There are appropriate ways to voice an opinion. Much of what we see from the anti-Rudy crowd doesn't measure up to those ways.
To: Howlin
Please don't put words in anyone's mouth. I was making a joke. Try not to read between lines so much, okay?
posted on
03/02/2007 11:02:13 AM PST
(What will Rudy do in the War on Terror? Implement gun control on insurgents and Al Qaeda?)
To: Old_Mil
Fair enough. We disagree.
To: goldstategop
If anything, the passage of the last quarter century has driven all the manhood out of the Democrats. And all of the womenhood as well. We're left with a bunch of botoxed feminist androgynous pantsuits -- or whatever gender.
To: JohnnyZ
What kind of fool would bring up FACTS on a thread like this? Right. We're supposed to take everything that Giuliani says at face value and ignore his past statements and such. It is unbelievable how gullible some people on this site are nowadays. Free Republic used to be known for its uncompromising conservative values and its ability to dissect what people say or publish and compare it to their history, pointing out the inconsistencies, lies, and hypocrisy. But when the frontrunner Republican candidate is the liberal telling the lies, anyone who points out that the emperor has no clothes is immediately derided.
posted on
03/02/2007 11:03:15 AM PST
(Rudy Giuliani Quote (NY Post, 1996) "Most of Clinton's policies are very similar to most of mine.")
To: free_life
I heard, and he did very well. Best of luck to him.
That being said, I find the increasing habit on FR of narrowly defining who is or isn't a 'real' conservative pretty obnoxious.
posted on
03/02/2007 11:03:34 AM PST
("If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking until you do suck seed." - Jerry 'Curly' Howard)
To: Hildy
have succeeded at making FR a shrill, angry, and unwelcoming website where people are intimidated into not posting and, frankly, leaving. If you want to plug a liberal candidate on a conservative website, expect to pick up some flack. Many of the concerns about Bush expressed in FR in 1999 and 2000 came to pass - especially the rampant growth of government due to his compassionate conservatism.
And your side ain't exactly clean as well regarding their tactics. In fact, some have been downright despicable with their unsubstantiated attacks on Hunter. Throw in the general disrespect of many core conservative positions, and you have all the ingredients for a flame war.
posted on
03/02/2007 11:03:47 AM PST
(Duncan Hunter 08)
To: Constitution Day
You need a few more exclamation points there. LOL. Indeed.
posted on
03/02/2007 11:04:50 AM PST
(There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity)
To: Miss Marple
Reagan is the only conservative/Republican I can think of who actually captured and commanded the public's attention. It can be done, it's just rare.
To: joesbucks
My bet is Rudy will be the standard bearer despite what the noisey right rattles. He basically hasn't even acknowledged the social right exists. I guess so, if you think pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun, pro-borders folks are all the "social right."
posted on
03/02/2007 11:05:05 AM PST
("Liberalism": Now in two delicious Party Flavors!)
To: EternalVigilance
*yawn* Another "pearl of widsom" from a political hack.
posted on
03/02/2007 11:05:12 AM PST
(Honk if you like Fred Thompson!!!)
To: EternalVigilance
Where's the spin? I call it like it is.
posted on
03/02/2007 11:05:17 AM PST
("If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking until you do suck seed." - Jerry 'Curly' Howard)
To: TommyDale
I didn't see a sarcasm tag, did I miss it?
posted on
03/02/2007 11:06:36 AM PST
(Honk if you like Fred Thompson!!!)
To: EternalVigilance
I was speaking of their "mouthpieces"
To: Sunsong
One stark example is the nutty wing I see on FR now and then. For example, on a few occasions I have been told on FR that adultery is wrong (no argument so far), it's one of the worst things somebody can do (I can think of many others, so getting dubious), and that it should be punished as a crime comparable to murder (coco-puff conservative land).
The desire to turn the GOP into Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show should be avoided, even though that's a pretty good song. :-)
posted on
03/02/2007 11:07:32 AM PST
("If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking until you do suck seed." - Jerry 'Curly' Howard)
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