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Giuliani Speaks at CPAC (CSPAN) LIVE
| 3/1/07
Posted on 03/02/2007 8:40:17 AM PST by areafiftyone
All day today we are covering speakers and panels at the 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC. This morning, we'll hear from Republican presidential hopeful former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He will be followed by Reps. Scott Garrett (NJ), Tom Tancredo (CO), and others.
TOPICS: Front Page News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: cpac; cpac2007; giuliani; rino; rudy; rudy2008; rudygiuliani
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To: Hildy
They have succeeded at making FR a shrill, angry, and unwelcoming website where people are intimidated into not posting and, frankly, leaving. Jim will feel it at the next Freepathon, and after almost nine years here....that's a pretty huge change and a pretty sad state of affairs. Your first part is bull's eye accurate and we'll have to see what happens come April's FReepathon, but I suspect you're right about that too, judging from my mail. Sickening and sad.
Impotent keyboard warriors --- filled with hate and all too happy to take down FR since they can't put a dent into candidates they hate.
posted on
03/02/2007 10:55:50 AM PST
(DEFEAT Hillary Clinton, Marxist, student of Saul Alinsky & ally and beneficiary of Soros.)
To: Corin Stormhands
I suspect they get out when the do their paper routes.
To: EternalVigilance; Hildy; Registered
If a had a buck for every time I've seen the Rooty Rooters holding donations over Jim's head, I could at least buy a nice steak dinner... Then you're obviously just not posting often enough.
posted on
03/02/2007 10:56:14 AM PST
Corin Stormhands
(Al Gore needs to reduce his carbon butt-print.)
To: Hildy
Pantyhose is more comfortable...but if you think you're going to get lucky...wear the garter!LOL! Aren't theads on Friday afternoons great?
I really do need to get some work done though!
To: Spiff
Spiff, i'm not even supporting Rudy yet but you are truly getting on my nerves.
To: Howlin
Good. I like it when RINOs are upset.
posted on
03/02/2007 10:56:41 AM PST
("Liberalism": Now in two delicious Party Flavors!)
To: Constitution Day
I want to make up my own mind about which candidate I'll support...not have some vein-popping Rudy hater or an overly exclamatory GOP/Rudy cheerleader decide for me.It's not in your best interest to think for yourself! :)
Go! Rudy! Go! Sis-Boom-Bah!
posted on
03/02/2007 10:57:05 AM PST
(There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity)
To: Miss Marple; Victoria Delsoul
Well, in NYC Rudy dealt with a very hostile press corp all day, every day, for most of his tenure, and he got his message out. We have to put our best foot forward, but you raise a very legitimate point.
posted on
03/02/2007 10:57:34 AM PST
("If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking until you do suck seed." - Jerry 'Curly' Howard)
To: My2Cents
posted on
03/02/2007 10:57:50 AM PST
(Honk if you like Fred Thompson!!!)
To: Peach
He's right. Its a jab at the Clintons - who are concerned more with poll numbers than doing what is right. I wouldn't say Rudy is a Reaganite conservative, but if this is BS, its good BS. The Democrats can only talk, not govern because they're afraid of offending this or that group of voters. What we want in a President is someone who don't back down where there's heat. I think Ronald Reagan would have approved. If anything, the passage of the last quarter century has driven all the manhood out of the Democrats.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
posted on
03/02/2007 10:58:11 AM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: EternalVigilance
If a had a buck for every time I've seen the Rooty Rooters holding donations over Jim's head, I could at least buy a nice steak dinner. With a good bottle of wine. I wish we had a nickel for all your santimonious posts --- we wouldn't need FReepathons.
posted on
03/02/2007 10:58:16 AM PST
(DEFEAT Hillary Clinton, Marxist, student of Saul Alinsky & ally and beneficiary of Soros.)
To: Peach
"I just wished we hadn't lost audio there toward the end." I'm actually surprised that a conservative here at FR hasn't been blamed for the lost of the audio and video yet.
posted on
03/02/2007 10:58:17 AM PST
(What will Rudy do in the War on Terror? Implement gun control on insurgents and Al Qaeda?)
To: EternalVigilance
You seem upset all the time, so I take it you're a RINO, right?
BTW, according to your resignation, it is YOU who is the Republican In Name Only.
posted on
03/02/2007 10:59:11 AM PST
(Honk if you like Fred Thompson!!!)
To: Hildy
My son (11 at the time) and I were standing there with you.
posted on
03/02/2007 10:59:16 AM PST
Corin Stormhands
(Al Gore needs to reduce his carbon butt-print.)
To: Corin Stormhands
Hey we'll be like those Washington Redskins fans -- the Hoggettes -- guys who wear the dresses to the games. The "Rudyettes" perhaps?
Maybe there is a new term for broken-glass Republican -- the "Rudyette Republicans" -- guys who will go to the polls in a dress if necessary to vote for Rudy. Sorry, ladies, you'll need your own gimmick -- although in some parts of this country women don't wear dresses anymore :(
To: BigSkyFreeper
You need a few more exclamation points there.
To: onyx; Corin Stormhands
Ah, I see Corin's bodyguard has stepped into the breach.
posted on
03/02/2007 11:00:21 AM PST
("Liberalism": Now in two delicious Party Flavors!)
To: TommyDale
Why do you continue to divide us by insinuating anybody who disagrees with you isn't a conservative?
posted on
03/02/2007 11:00:24 AM PST
(Honk if you like Fred Thompson!!!)
To: Hildy; Corin Stormhands
They have succeeded at making FR a shrill, angry, and unwelcoming website where people are intimidated into not postingYou're right, it's become an unwelcome place. I post very little about this campaign because I don't want to deal with the sheer volume of noise... It's a nasty, pointless debate that brings me no joy.
I like Rudy, I don't know the other contenders as well, but I detest most of their most vocal followers here, so that doesn't help. I have no interest in either attacking or defending myself against constant attack from fellow conservatives. Come election time, I'll vote for the best candidate. Hopefully we will all do that without having having to step over those on our 'own side' who have fallen from friendly fire just trying to get to the election. We'll wish we had them with us then.
To: onyx
Impotent keyboard warriors --- filled with hate and all too happy to take down FR since they can't put a dent into candidates they hate. Just reading that - and we all agree - look how tragic that is! Living to hate and to hurt.
posted on
03/02/2007 11:01:01 AM PST
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