Again... THINGS ARE CHANGING!... mostly because of communications (Internet). For instance, the Internet, like a magnifying lens, is allowing me to see everything CLOSER! I knew I as "Republican," but I really did not know how DIFFERENT we were until now... Sometimes I wonder if we social conservatives should be in the same party with the Guliani crowd. I can't believe our core principles are so different from them. Besides social issues, I can relate to the Gun issues, fiscal issues... and a host of other issues but NEVER at the price of SOCIAL ISSUES. Because the moment we become like the Rats. Let me specific, if we no longer mind having the Republican party full of QUEERS... and ABORTIONS for everybody... Then what is the point of being Republicans for us social conservatives?
I just never realized that some people's main values are what? "Fiscan-Restrain /s" ?
By the way, I DON'T BUY the argument that Rudy is a CHAMPION OF NATIONAL SECURITY or the MOST FISCAL CONSERVATIVE in the world /s. This is all B.S. a SMOKE SCREEN, to "get him through" somehow and bamboozled the conservatives into voting for him!
The point is, the Internet also help us social conservatives to get to know ourselves AS A GROUP, and realize that we are SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES FIRST, and Republican second. If the GOP, does not serve us, then we no NO business being in this party.. That is the bottom line. Something to THINK ABOUT... is either that or SELLING OUR PRINCIPLES OUT... So what's it going to be?
Sorry for the English... I am rushing! :)
Hint: One post of the your collage per thread. 3 is getting rough on the eyes.