I don't have any magic strategy, but I would use my access to the MSM to get my message out including using certain ground rules about editing. The WH website is a good place for references for surrogates to get the WH positions on various issues, but not a place to advocate policy alternatives. The President must use every opportunity to repeat and reinforce the message.
This is an ADHD nation... they forget (the constant propaganda and lies help), what happened the day before... much less than the stated reasons for going into Iraq.
I agree, which is why the President needs media saavy people to devise attention getting ways to put out the message and information. The more the President can get his message out without the MSM filter the better. This is why press conferences are so critical. It also places some demands on the President's ability to express himself extemperaneously and demonstrate his command of the issue. Unfortunately for us, Bush is not the best of communicators. He is no Tony Blair.
Thank God he is no Tony Blair who most people in Britain see him for what he is