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To: nitzy

I always thought math, history, and the wisdom of successful people were pretty important. I guess a 2000 year old book with a completely warped meaning is just as good, huh?

I'm sorry, I'm just looking for the part of the Bible where Jesus starts a war on drugs and loathes, criminilizes, and condemns "sinners" to social alienation. All I find is that all his friends were prostitutes and tax collectors - the ancient day equivalent of the immigrants and homosexuals that modern Christians like to pick on. If the people claiming Christianity acted like Jesus did, religion would be a fine way to rule.

And if socialism worked like the dictators always claim it will, that would be a fine way to rule as well.

Things just aren't that idealistic.

45 posted on 02/17/2007 6:48:32 AM PST by kaotic133
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To: kaotic133
I always thought math, history, and the wisdom of successful people were pretty important

Oh...I understand. We can understand salvation, the purpose of man and our relationship with our Creator from college professors, Katie Couric and Britney Spears.

63 posted on 02/17/2007 7:05:56 AM PST by nitzy
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To: kaotic133

"All Jesus's friend were prostitutes and tax collectors"???

That's not in my version of the NT. Oh, to be sure, Levi/Matthew, the apostle was indeed a tax collector; and Jesus did associate with a few prostitutes, but only as a way to convert them to God. Jesus treated everyone the same - we/they were all sinners and in need of Divine Grace and Redemption.

But, to say all Jesus's friends were prostitutes and tax collectors is a sensational statement which is erroneous.

95 posted on 02/17/2007 7:31:12 AM PST by Gumdrop
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To: kaotic133

"...the ancient day equivalent of the immigrants and homosexuals..."

What are you the modern day equivalent of?

130 posted on 02/17/2007 8:07:21 AM PST by Cedric
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To: kaotic133
You offered (as if some authority), All I find is that all his friends were prostitutes and tax collectors ... Actually, you haven't a clue. Did you know a significant number were fishermen? When someone spittles 'all' and then makes apology for moral degeneracy in the same post, it reveals a lot about their clueless state. Such foolishness is a hallmark of the lost like Willis.
148 posted on 02/17/2007 8:29:53 AM PST by MHGinTN (If you've had life support. Promote life support for others.)
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To: kaotic133

Hum, spoken like the neighbors kid next door who just came out of the closet, switched religions and suddenly is far brighter and smarter than any so narrow minded Christian could ever be.

200 posted on 02/17/2007 10:03:24 AM PST by OKIEDOC (Kalifornia now a certified socialist state reporting to Mexico City for further instructions)
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To: kaotic133
There is a lot wrong with this post. Let me put this right up front because it may be the most important point:

the ancient day equivalent of the immigrants and homosexuals that modern Christians like to pick on.

Hmmm...picking on immigrants?

Here's an op-ed about the relationship between Christianity and immigrant law. Notice the title--if law-breaking by a class of people results in 86 hospitals closing in a single state, are you actually saying that it's un-Christlike to think that's a bad thing? Notice how the Left uses faux Christian concerns to stifle people who merely advocate following the law. Take a look at post 19 for an excellent rebuttal of the "Jesus would give illegals amnesty" talking point.

Lastly, and most importantly, can you cite me a Christian conservative saying that illegal aliens should be mistreated, or that they should be at a disadvantage for any reason other than the fact that they are breaking the law?

I'll deal with homosexuals further down. Let's go back to the top for the rest of this:

I always thought math, history, and the wisdom of successful people were pretty important.

Successful people like, say, Ronald Regan, a social conservative? People like our Founding Fathers? Even the most secular of them, men like Jefferson and Franklin, would be regarded as wide-eyed Religious Right extremists today.

I guess a 2000 year old book with a completely warped meaning is just as good, huh?

Ah, a biblical expert. Well then, a few questions. Read on.

I'm sorry, I'm just looking for the part of the Bible where Jesus starts a war on drugs and loathes, criminilizes, and condemns "sinners" to social alienation.

Can you name me a passage where Jesus or any of His disciples defines the role of government and the church's relation to it? (Hint: there is one, arguably two, this is not a trick question.)

All I find is that all his friends were prostitutes and tax collectors

1. Where did Jesus call for the repeal of Jewish or Roman laws against prostitution?

2. Can you cite me any writing by a Founder that advocates repealing laws against prostitution or any other sin that was outlawed at that time?

the ancient day equivalent of the immigrants and homosexuals that modern Christians like to pick on.

Ah, now let's talk about homsexuals. Have you ever wondered why the Religious Right doesn't have any groups to counter burglary or gluttony but they have groups that counter gay rights? Well, when was the last time you came across a well-funded lobbying effort on behalf of burglars? When was the last time you heard someone say that if a parent wants to teach their children why they shouldn't steal, that parent must be motivated by hatred?

If the people claiming Christianity acted like Jesus did, religion would be a fine way to rule.

1. If people, any people could act like Jesus, we wouldn't have needed Him to come down here and die on a cross.

2. Can you cite for me an example of an American politician telling people they should vote for him because he's a Christian? There actually are a few, but the ones I can think of are all libs, like Ford running those "Vote for me I go to church" ads in Tennessee last year, or Jimmy Carter's 1980 ad where he actually said people should vote for him because he prayed and read the Bible daily.

Got any GOP types who've done that? If so, do you think that you could (if you had the research time) prove that even 5% of GOP pols campaign on their relationship with Jesus? If you couldn't prove that, then why should we care that some tiny percentage of one party makes a stupid argument? Shouldn't we focus on the arguments from reason the other 95% are making?

259 posted on 02/17/2007 2:18:43 PM PST by Mr. Silverback ("Logic" is as meaningless to a liberal as "desert" is to a fish.--Freeper IronJack)
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