Don't worry, the world will go on without me, nobody listens to a damn thing I have to say anyway
I had this same feeling yesterday, while at Wally-World getting groceries.
Masses of people, working out their own lives, were passing by, and it seemed that THEY were not affecting my life, and it hit me - am I affecting theirs?
I was suddenly very insignificant, for I was not in politics, not a teacher, no longer going to work every day - doing nothing in the political realm. No kids at home to bug, the grandkids listening to who knows whom.
Yakking at you guys on FR is about the only thing that works, for I know that I sometimes I learn things from you folks, so I suppose that may work in reverse.
I can only hope the mass of us here are all pulling enough in the Right direction, we can influence others than CAN make a difference on the world scene.