Nonsense. Giuliani will appoint judges in his own mold. If you listen to what he says you'll hear that he actually believes abortion "rights," gay "rights" and gun control "consistent with the second amendment" are constitutional. He therefore believes his judicial picks that think likewise will be "strict constructionists."
"Nonsense. Giuliani will appoint judges in his own mold."
The district and appellate court judges are submitted by nominations of the Senators in a particular state when they are Republicans or (I believe) the ranking Republican Congressman if there are no Republican Senators. That means that the same kind of judges will continue to be nominated as has been the case under Bush, for the district and appellate courts.
The Supreme Court nominees will all be Giuliani's call, but he's made a solemn promise to appoint conservative judges. It is the bargain he is making with his party. He's known as a man of his word, and, beyond that, he will know that the conservatives can always torpedo his re-election by nominating a third party candidate. I have little doubt that he will keep his word, even if he ideally would like to appoint more moderate judges.