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To: Jim Robinson
#1. If those issues were so darned important to Republicans, like the number one issues I see being discussed here, why weren't they in the Contract for America? It's a perfectly reasonable question for which no one has an answer.

So I'll give an answer. Because there was a day (like back in the early 90's when the contract was developed) when Republicans considered other issues besides social issues as more important. Things like the viability of the nation fiscally and militarily.

#2. Are you trying to say that if opposition to abortion rights, gay rights and gun control were not listed in the contract with America they're not conservative positions?

You're not serious asking that question, are you? You're just trying to push my buttons. I never suggested such a thing and you know it.

#3.Are you actually trying to push the idea that a man who believes in abortion, partial birth abortion, gay unions, gun control, etc, is really a conservative after all?

I've never said that Rudy was socially conservative. Are you trying to push the idea that there is only one kind of conservative? You are aware, I presume, that there are fiscal conservatives and law and order conservatives, etc., etc.

And now I can really see that you haven't read any of the links on this thread about Rudy because conservative reporters like Bob Tyrell, whose conservative credentials go back further than pretty much anyone else alive, makes the case convincingly that Rudy is conservative. Just not your kind of conservative.

FrontPage magazine conservative reporters make the case. Mona Charen makes the case. 98% lifetime conservative voting record Rep. Sessions makes the case. A host of individuals make the case for Rudy and using conservative - fiscal, law and order conservatism, to make the case.

#4. And that those of is who oppose these positions are in the wrong?

And how has I pushed the idea that those of you who seem to think socially conservative ideas are most important are wrong about anything? LOL. We disagree about what's most important. Period. Don't make it into more than it is.

176 posted on 02/15/2007 7:23:55 PM PST by Peach (The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
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To: Peach

Reagan gave us two pro-Roe SCOTUS justices. now we can debate how it happened, but that fact is not in dispute. since then, republicans have correctly realized that we can't litmus test our federal court picks. for a couple of reasons - for one, they can't be confirmed anyway. and two, they can lie during the vetting process, then "flip" when they get the seat. so we now don't litmus test on issues, we choose constitutionalists - and we take our chances that when particular issues get to them, that they will rule based on a consistent legal philosophy. and yes, I do believe Rudy is capable of appointing judges like that.

181 posted on 02/15/2007 7:31:46 PM PST by oceanview
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To: Peach

Now, now. No need to get upset with me. You're the one who's talking yourself in circles trying to defend the indefensible.

198 posted on 02/15/2007 8:17:06 PM PST by Jim Robinson ("Electable" gave us Gerald Ford and Bob Dole. Voting for the right-wing kook gave us Reagan. ~ A.C.)
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To: Peach
By the way, endorsements by Sessions, Tyrell or others are not going to sway me. Giuliani is for abortion rights, gay rights and gun control, etc. He uses a liberally twisted interpretation of the constitution to justify his unconstitutional positions. He actually believes he is a strict constructionist. No thanks. Not qualified for high office.
200 posted on 02/15/2007 8:24:51 PM PST by Jim Robinson ("Electable" gave us Gerald Ford and Bob Dole. Voting for the right-wing kook gave us Reagan. ~ A.C.)
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