To: madprof98; Jim Robinson
Since Jim Robinson is on this thread, why don't you ask him. If he wants supporters of Rudy gone, it's relatively easy for him to make it happen.
You be sure and have fun in that echo chamber of yours.
145 posted on
02/15/2007 6:19:49 PM PST by
(The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
To: Peach
Well, when I posted that I honestly thought most Freepers were conservatives. I had no idea that so many were for abortion rights, gay rights, gun control, etc. Actually, I still believe most Freepers are conservatives, we just seem to have a vocal minority of social liberals and or moderates who are willing to overlook Giuliani's liberal viewpoints and anti conservative unconstitutional actions. Sorry, I'm a conservative and will not be looking the other way. The Republican party is pro life and pro liberty and I intend to do all within my ability to keep it that way. A socially liberal abortionist gay rights supporting gun grabber cannot be the standard bearer for a conservative party. Conservatives understand why.
150 posted on
02/15/2007 6:45:04 PM PST by
Jim Robinson
("Electable" gave us Gerald Ford and Bob Dole. Voting for the right-wing kook gave us Reagan. ~ A.C.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson