Rudy claims that the government has the power to regulate guns (ban handguns, ban "assault" rifles, register gun owners, restrict the ability to own/transport guns, etc) as long as it's done "consistent" with the second amendment.
He claims that a woman has a constitutional right to choose. He says Roe vs Wade is settled law. He admires Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
In other words, he believes gun grabbing abortionist judges are strict constructionists. He twists the constitution to justify his liberal views. He would appoint strict constructionists just like Hillary Clinton believes she appoints strict constructionists.
When you believe in a constitutional right to abortion, constitutional right to gay marriage, constitutional power to infringe on the peoples right to keep and bear arms, then the judges you appoint to uphold this warped interpretation of the constitution are in his mind "strict constructionists."
No thanks to that garbage.
Vote for me and I'll appoint judges that protect you from me