Get it thru your head, millions more conservatives would sit on the sidelines for a guiliani nominee than for a Hunter. Also get it thru your head that we are a year out from the primaries. Talk to me next year.
..many folks believe we are the minority in the GOP and should just step aside.
If FR polling is any indicator--Rudy didn't even garner 16%--so much for the Kingdom of Rudy...
The basis for winning those primaries is being done NOW. Hunter is getting no traction to establish that basis. February 2008 is closer than you are willing to admit. There is not enough time to pull someone, anyone, from obscurity to prominence.
"Get it thru your head, millions more conservatives would sit on the sidelines for a guiliani nominee than for a Hunter."
Please don't speak for millions of conservatives who wouldn't vote if Giuliani is the nominee.
First of all, if he gets the nomination, that means millions of conservatives have already voted for him.
There are only a small minority that are narrow minded enough to stay at home instead of vote for Rudy.
Not everyone puts personal agenda ahead of the survival of our country like you and liberals do.