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Ted Olson Supporting Giuliani
American Spectator ^ | 2/13/07

Posted on 02/13/2007 12:34:44 PM PST by zarf

Theodore Olson, the stalwart conservative lawyer and former solicitor general for the Bush administration, told the Spectator he will be supporting Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid.

"I admire his character, his capacity for leadership, his instincts, and his principles," Olson said over the phone this afternoon. He said he will help Giuliani raise money as well as offer advice on legal issues and domestic policy matters that involve constitutional questions.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: News/Current Events; US: New York
KEYWORDS: 1notachristian; 1notevenanamerican; americasshame; anothersellout; antimccain; boehner; conservative; electionpresident; gorudy2hell; gorudygo; greatman; johnwayneheaint; leadership; nextpresident; ny; paleos4hillary; pseudoconservatives; rudysgayroomates; rudyspam; sarahbradyloverudy; sheepversusgoats; tedolson; vote4rudy; wolfinsheepsclothing
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To: wallcrawlr
drag hater
381 posted on 02/13/2007 7:28:51 PM PST by StephenTX (The Sacred Order of the Perpetually Offended)
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To: StephenTX


382 posted on 02/13/2007 7:29:42 PM PST by wallcrawlr
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To: wallcrawlr

Prettier too.

383 posted on 02/13/2007 7:29:47 PM PST by carlr
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To: zarf

Ted Olson supporting Rudy is a huge endorsement.

I also admire Ted.

384 posted on 02/13/2007 7:30:22 PM PST by baubau
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To: carlr

Supporting a Liberal is tough work in the midst of Conservatives.

385 posted on 02/13/2007 7:31:24 PM PST by Afronaut (Supporting Republican Liberals is the Undeniable End to Freedom)
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To: areafiftyone; BunnySlippers; Spiff; TitansAFC

To the FReepers in attendance and the millions watching around the world on Pay Per View...

Lllllets Get Ready to Rrrrumblllllllle!!!!


1,500,000,000 posts, arguments, insults, cheesy graphics, name calling, and debate for the FUTURE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!

"Introducing first, to my right, fighting out of the red corner, wearing their Sunday best...weighing in at 800 pounds...the social conservatives, the religious right, the champions of family values...from the Southern States...The Evangelicals!" (wild applause)

"And in the blue corner, wearing an off the rack suit and a belt 2 sizes too small...weighing in at 140 pounds...the fiscal conservatives, the last champions of limited government...from the Western States...The Libertarians!" (cue wild applause)

Chapter 1: Live From the Reagan Building

386 posted on 02/13/2007 7:33:32 PM PST by Eric Blair 2084 (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms shouldn't be a federal should be a convenience store.)
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To: Afronaut
No,not supporting a liberal but pointing out a possible troll who makes ad-hominin,strawman attacks and insults to perhaps undermine the good FR can do.

Don`t give a wit about Rudy in this and am not a supporter,just don`t want to see FR painted as an ugly place due to the comments by some.

387 posted on 02/13/2007 7:39:21 PM PST by carlr
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To: Eric Blair 2084; areafiftyone; BunnySlippers; Spiff

I'm still hoping we get a guy who can satisfy the Fiscal Cons, Gun Cons, Defense Cons, and SoCons adequately enough to avoid a mutiny. Someone who the Fiscals will support, and who SoCons can support - someone who SoCons won't have to oppose out of genuine responsibility to our Maker.

I can only hope.
388 posted on 02/13/2007 7:43:19 PM PST by TitansAFC (Pacifism is not peace; pacifists are not peacemakers.)
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To: justshutupandtakeit; dirtboy; Reagan Man
Almost EVERY supporter of Guiliani has said they would support whoever wins the nomination. This is in sharp contrast to those Rudy Haters who adamently refuse to support the Party's nominee if it isn't someone no one has ever heard of or who has NO chance of winning the election.

And that is EXACTLY why Rudy is such an unpragmatic choice for our nominee. Any conservative Republican will unite the party, as all of the liberals/moderates claim to be willing to vote for anyone. The conservative wing of the party will NOT vote for Rudy. Therefore, doesn't it make sense to nominate someone that evryone in the party will vote for?

389 posted on 02/13/2007 7:50:12 PM PST by jmc813 (Please check out and consider becoming a donor. You may save a life.)
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To: jmc813

That might be true if Rudy didn't take a huge section of I's and D's as well. And for every I and D he gets, that's one less for the D's. So it's like counting double. for I or D he gets, he can afford to lose 2 R's and still be even. And he won't even get close to losing that many R's.

Look, Rudy might not be the best guy for the job, I'm not sold on him, but this 'Rudy is unelectable' and 'Rudy isn't a strong candidate' crap is an insult my intelligence.

390 posted on 02/13/2007 7:52:56 PM PST by zbigreddogz
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To: wallcrawlr

I'm not sure if that's a compliment...

391 posted on 02/13/2007 8:06:10 PM PST by RockinRight (When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night, he checks under the bed for Jack Bauer.)
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To: fatboynic

I'm an emotionally blinded bastard? How did you deduce such a thing?

392 posted on 02/13/2007 8:07:50 PM PST by RockinRight (When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night, he checks under the bed for Jack Bauer.)
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To: jmc813
The conservative wing of the party will NOT vote for Rudy. Therefore, doesn't it make sense to nominate someone that evryone in the party will vote for?

Now, now, don't go around making sense. It makes their brains overheat.

393 posted on 02/13/2007 8:09:52 PM PST by dirtboy (Duncan Hunter 08)
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To: madprof98

"So we trade public funding of baby-killing for what? Staying the course in Iraq? Sorry, I'm not going to make a bargain like that, and neither will the "moderate" public on whom Rudy's campaign depends."

How does one argue with such ridiculous statements and flawed logic?

Your sadly mistaken if you think the majority of "moderates"
or even conservatives use the flawed logic that you do.

Although I share your disdain for "baby-killing" I am comfortable knowing that Rudy's court appointments will result in the nomination of strict constructionists like Scalia and Roberts and that's what matters the most.

Your cavalier attitude regarding the War is what's really puzzling coming from a "conservative". You obviously don't understand the importance that this war has. And I'm not so sure our brave soldiers would understand your considering support of the war a bad bargain because of your abortion views.

You and people that think like you better wake up and understand that right now, the War on Terror is the most important issue facing this country.

I'm really getting tired of "conservatives" treating this war like a secondary issue.

394 posted on 02/13/2007 8:14:02 PM PST by Doninnj
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To: zbigreddogz
That might be true if Rudy didn't take a huge section of I's and D's as well. And for every I and D he gets

This advances conservatism just how, exactly?

395 posted on 02/13/2007 8:25:08 PM PST by jmc813 (Please check out and consider becoming a donor. You may save a life.)
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To: jmc813

Well, let's look at the past:

- Rudy tossed Arafat out of a city sponsored celebrations saying, "I would rather not have someone who has been implicated in the murders of Americans there, if I have the discretion not to have him there”.
- Rudy did the same to Fidel Castro.
- When a Saudi prince donated millions to 9/11 relief efforts and later suggested that United States policy in the Middle East may have been partially responsible for the attacks, Rudy returned the money.
- Rudy refused to meet with racial arsonist Al Sharpton.
- Rudy as mayor was strong on law and order. Rudy said that "government exists above all to keep people safe in their homes and in the streets, not to redistribute income, run a welfare state, or perform social engineering". And Rudy backed this all up by going after both quality-of-life crimes and serious crimes. Total crime went down by some 64 percent during the Giuliani years, and murder went down 67 percent. Auto thefts went down on average about 80,000 per year.
- Rudy supported the police when the police had to enter and deal with Muslims at a mosque.
- Rudy closed down many porn shops across the city and specifically shutdown porn shops in residential neighborhoods.
- Rudy went after both low level and high level drug dealers for the first time in the cities history.
- Rudy had zero tolerance for quality of life crimes such as squeegee extortionists, graffiti vandals, panhandling and public urination.
- Rudy launched a welfare revolution, removing illegal recipients, cutting the rolls by 20% the first year alone and dropping the welfare rolls by 600,000 over the course of his plan.
- Rudy launched a work requirement program for the remaining welfare recipients. The NY Times called it slavery.
- Rudy constantly spoke out against illegitimacy and fatherless families. One of many things that Rudy said on the subject was the following: " If you wanted a social program that would really save these kids, . . . I guess the social program would be called fatherhood."
- Rudy objected to affirmative action. Rudy ended the cities set-aside program for minority contractors.
- Rudy rejected the idea of lowering the job requirement standards for minorities and woman.
- Rudy ended open-ended enrollment at the City University of NY.
- Rudy said. "it was unfair to expect middle-class kids to work their way through college by holding down jobs and going to classes while exempting students on welfare from working."
- Rudy reformed the public school system and forced out liberal chancellors who wouldn't install his reforms.
- Rudy tried to privatize 5 of the cities worst public schools.
- Rudy was for school vouchers. Rudy said, "The whole notion of choice is really about more freedom for people, rather than being subjugated by a government system that says you have no choice about the education of your child,".
- Rudy fought against public money for an art display that defiled Christ and he fought against other obscene so-called works of art.
- Rudy played hardball with city unions winning concessions from city workers that other mayors had failed to do.
- Rudy strong armed state leaders to merge the cities Housing Police and Transit Police into the NYPD saving the city hundreds of millions. Rudy did this by threatening to fire every housing and transit officer and rehire each as a city cop if legislative leaders did not go along.
- Rudy did the same with the city’s garbageman, many of whom worked only half days because the department was so overstaffed with union jobs. Rudy won $300 million in savings from them by threatening to contract out trash collection to private companies.
- Rudy cut or killed 23 levies and taxes, saving taxpayers $9.8 billion during his terms.
- Rudy cut NYC's top income-tax rate by 20.6%.
- Local NYC taxes on a family of four dropped 23.7% during Rudy's term.
- Rudy cut the commercial-rent tax.
- Rudy cut sales taxes, including taxes on clothing.
- Rudy cut the marriage penalty on taxpaying couples.
- Rudy cut taxes on commercial rents everywhere outside of Manhattan’s major business districts, and various taxes on small businesses and self-employed New Yorkers.
- Rudy's expenditure growth averaged 2.9% annually, while local inflation between January 1994 and December 2001 averaged 3.6%.
- Rudy privatized municipal assets.
- Rudy sold WNYC radio for $20 million, WNYC-TV for $207 million, and NYC's share of the U.N. Plaza Hotel for $85 million.
- Rudy divested the the City from the New York Coliseum adding $345 million to city coffers.
- Rudy let the private Central Park Conservancy manage Central Park.
- Rudy cut NYC's hotel tax from 6% to 5%. Consequently, hotel tax revenues increased from $135 million in Fiscal Year 1995 to $239 million in FY 2001.
- When asked if Rudy would raise taxes after 9/11 Rudy said that would be "a dumb, stupid, idiotic, and moronic thing to do."
- A quote from Rudy on his economic philosophy: “City government should not and cannot create jobs through government planning...The best it can do, and what it has a responsibility to do, is to deal with its own finances first, to create a solid budgetary foundation that allows businesses to move the economy forward on the strength of their energy and ideas. After all, businesses are and have always been the backbone of New York City.”
- Construction permits increased by more than 50% in the city per year during Rudy's terms.
- Tourism increased 50% in the city per year during Rudy's terms.
- City jobs increased by 430,000 to an all time high of 3.72 million during Rudy's terms.
- City personal income increased 50% during Rudy's terms.
- The percentage income that city residence paid in taxes declined from 8.8 to 7.3 percent during Rudy's terms.
- Unemployment in the city went form 10.3% to 5.1% during Rudy's terms.
- Rudy was an outstanding leader during the 9/11 crisis.
- Rudy has been a strong supporting in our WOT including supporting the mission in Iraq.
- Rudy was chosen by Ronald Reagan in 1981 as an Associate Attorney General placing him in the third highest position in the Reagan's DOJ.
- In 1983, Rudy was appointed by Reagan to be U.S. Attorney for the SD of NY. In that position, Rudy amassed 4,152 convictions including the heads of NY's so-called "Five Families". Rudy also procecuted terrorists and illegal immigrants.

So, basically, Jihadist die, taxes and spending get cut, criminals go to jail, unions get bloodied, school vouchers have a realistic chance of being implemented, and justices like Roberts and Alito get appointed.

Sounds good to me.

396 posted on 02/13/2007 8:28:36 PM PST by zbigreddogz
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To: carlr


397 posted on 02/13/2007 8:47:39 PM PST by RockinRight (When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night, he checks under the bed for Jack Bauer.)
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To: RockinRight

Sorry about the confusion... I was talking about Godebert! Hope there's no confusion now! ;)

398 posted on 02/13/2007 8:54:03 PM PST by fatboynic
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To: zbigreddogz

If you're going to spam me, at least make it original.

399 posted on 02/13/2007 9:10:42 PM PST by jmc813 (Please check out and consider becoming a donor. You may save a life.)
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To: jmc813

You asked a question, I answered. Don't ask if you don't want an answer.

400 posted on 02/13/2007 9:12:28 PM PST by zbigreddogz
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