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Ted Olson Supporting Giuliani
American Spectator ^
| 2/13/07
Posted on 02/13/2007 12:34:44 PM PST by zarf
Theodore Olson, the stalwart conservative lawyer and former solicitor general for the Bush administration, told the Spectator he will be supporting Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid.
"I admire his character, his capacity for leadership, his instincts, and his principles," Olson said over the phone this afternoon. He said he will help Giuliani raise money as well as offer advice on legal issues and domestic policy matters that involve constitutional questions.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events; US: New York
KEYWORDS: 1notachristian; 1notevenanamerican; americasshame; anothersellout; antimccain; boehner; conservative; electionpresident; gorudy2hell; gorudygo; greatman; johnwayneheaint; leadership; nextpresident; ny; paleos4hillary; pseudoconservatives; rudysgayroomates; rudyspam; sarahbradyloverudy; sheepversusgoats; tedolson; vote4rudy; wolfinsheepsclothing
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To: nctexan
Me: "Must be public schooled ... its' a figure of speech, idiot..... "
blah, blah, blah...
"NMH... your latest posting proves my point about you quite well. Thanks for your public display!"
You had no point other than YOU are a baby killer supporter as well as being a PRO homosexual supporter.
"I am a strongly pro life conservative Christian (who believes that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman)."
LOL! So YOU support ole Rudy who is PRO ABORTION and PRO HOMOSEXUAL - this kind of HYPOCRISY is getting VERY OLD and RIDICULOUS! You're no "conservative" and as for a "Christian" apparently the Bible isn't your friend - abortion and homosexuals are WRONG. So much for your brand of "Christianity". Selfish humanism is your bag.
"You seem to be channeling me incorrectly, as with most of your other hateful spew... "
No, it's obvious you are a HYPOCRITE. You identify with ole Rudy who is also a cowardly HYPOCRITE.
"You also seem to think that you know more about Barbara Olson than her own husband does... What an arrogant and insane view of oneself."
I am very familiar with her views. Her husbands views are NOT in agreement with her views and I despise seeing people like YOU trashing a fine person. It is you who is the ARROGANT HYPOCRITE.
"Again, the manner in which you impugn people is a discredit to yourself and the Christ that I love."
You don't "love Christ". LOL!!! Supporting ABORTION and HOMOSEXUALS and YOU "love Christ". LOL! At best you are a humanist but certainly not a Christian, a follower of Christ. Can you seriously imagine Christ behaving like YOU and supporting ABORTION and homosexuals as YOU are doing? LOL! You're delusional.
"BTW, your initial comment kinda makes me think that you were schooled in a madrasa."
You would think that ... you're really out of touch with reality and Christianity - you're one confused soul.
posted on
02/13/2007 5:29:01 PM PST
(Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God) .)
To: PhilDragoo
posted on
02/13/2007 5:36:05 PM PST
(The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
To: zarf
Well, an endorsement of a liberal blue state, impotent, corrupt guido doesn't bode well for Ted Olsen.
Remember, Mayor Linguine D--- is from New York. You have to be an American to run for President, and Rudy is disqualified. ;-)
posted on
02/13/2007 5:40:32 PM PST
(NO to Rudy in 2008! New York's Values are NOT America's Values!)
To: Cyclopean Squid
So you were just an idea?
posted on
02/13/2007 5:40:36 PM PST
(Praying for a swift, honorable,merciful,charitable victory with peace founded on God's Mercy and Law)
To: Convert
Yeah, Giuliani doesn't have any WoT cred. I'm sure he'll be
real soft on terrorists. /s
posted on
02/13/2007 5:45:24 PM PST
(Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?)
To: Zack Nguyen
I'll accept that analysis. I'd argue that Bush has been stronger than he had to be, and that the President can do little with regard to abortion, no matter what his leanings are.
He can push or veto legislation, and he can appoint Justices to the Supreme Court who may or may not vote the way the President would like.
Bush also did cut off aid to foreign abortion clinics, btw. That was one of his first Executive Orders. We may not get a pro-life President like him for quite awhile.
He can be criticized for many things, but I think he's done more than we might expect most Presidents to do in regard to the abortion issue.
To: spunkets
You're welcome, just wish I could have found something more current.
It looks like Olson, would back Giuliani on any infringment though.
What makes you say that?
posted on
02/13/2007 5:52:52 PM PST
("You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." --Margaret Thatcher)
To: Zeroisanumber; madprof98; meg88; TitansAFC
I thought we were talking about prevention
Most Americans are heroic in their response in crisis situations
we may need a third party to protect the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all citizens"
posted on
02/13/2007 6:02:34 PM PST
(I pray for a swift, honorable,merciful,charitable victory with peace founded on God's Mercy and Law)
To: Godebert
Did I say I supported those things? When did I ever say that?
posted on
02/13/2007 6:05:29 PM PST
(When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night, he checks under the bed for Jack Bauer.)
To: nmh
NMH - What a wierd public display on your post #341... No one need say more about you than your own words have spoken...
Because someone does not appreciate your hateful slam at Ted Olson, your inference about me, or my beliefs, or whom I support is beyond comprehension.
posted on
02/13/2007 6:07:12 PM PST
To: zarf
To: Godebert
Care to back any of that up with previous posts?
I've never seen him say he was pro- any of what you mentioned.
(that's ok, I'll wait for you to come up with something or apologize to him.)
posted on
02/13/2007 6:11:57 PM PST
(Freedom and Security go together - Ronald Reagan)
To: Godebert
You support abortion, gun-control, the homosexual agenda and illegal immigration. You're a domestic enemy as far as I'm concerned. Please tell me how you gleened any of that from his posts?
posted on
02/13/2007 6:13:17 PM PST
(I'm in a state of taglinelessness!)
To: merry10
Apparently, that IS what he does.
I didn't realize until today that I am apparently Cindy Sheehan.
Who knew?
posted on
02/13/2007 6:16:18 PM PST
(When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night, he checks under the bed for Jack Bauer.)
To: zarf
Another solid intelligent good guy jumps on the Rudy bandwagon
posted on
02/13/2007 6:17:51 PM PST
(cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
To: zarf
Rudy as president with a Democratic Congress would be a nightmare for social conservatives, as well as gun rights folks. Imagine the bills that the Dems will send Rudy. Abortion funding bills, gay rights bills, gun control bills. Can any of you Rudy people assure us that he will use his veto pen, considering that he has been an ardent supporter of all of these items?
posted on
02/13/2007 6:18:00 PM PST
(Arm yourself because no one else here will save you)
To: BearArms
Hitlery as president with a Democratic Congress would be a nightmare for social conservatives, as well as gun rights folks.
posted on
02/13/2007 6:20:08 PM PST
Free ThinkerNY
((((Truth shall set you free))))
To: Godebert
And after doing a look back at the posts that have led you to this one of yours I think you are the worst that FR can offer.
You appear to be someone in search of an argument for the fun of it without any basis or evidence.
Enjoy living whatever consists of your life.
Regardless of whom we nominate in 2008,you are of no use.
posted on
02/13/2007 6:20:21 PM PST
To: Free ThinkerNY
Hitlery as president with a Democratic Congress would be a nightmare for social conservatives, as well as gun rights folks.Yes, and we have the power to make sure that we don't have to choose between Rudy and Hillary. The primaries, remember?
posted on
02/13/2007 6:22:57 PM PST
(Arm yourself because no one else here will save you)
To: Spiff
True. And there's NO way that anyone in their right mind, who has reviewed Giuliani's history and views on the subject, believes that he is going to appoint justices to overturn Roe v. Wade.Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You believe what you want, I'll believe what I want, but it's without a doubt, that he's said in the past that he supports Bush's nominations to the USSC and he would not hesistate to nominate more. Roberts and Alito are Constitutionalist judges, just like our ally Scalia. Those are the facts.
If you want to throw away 34 years of hard work by electing Giuliani as the Republican nominee, I'm here to be a snare to your feet every step of the way.
You do what you have to do to stifle forward progress, even if that involves colored charts and pictures of Rudy in drag or throwing grenades at your fellow conservatives. That's not how you fight liberalism.
I'm here to see that Roe v. Wade is overturned, and I hope that thought keeps you up at night. If you so much as advance liberalism by stifling even the thought, let alone the work, of nominating good Conservative judges to the bench, I hope you can live with yourself over that mistake and it's consequences.
posted on
02/13/2007 6:26:25 PM PST
(There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity)
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