I believe that national security , the War in Terror, is the ONE overriding issue of the 2008 campaign, and that Rudy is the ONLY Republican who gets it, and has a good chance of being elected. That's my reason for supporting him.
We here accuse the left, correctly, of having a "closed mind." Are we to have the same charge made against us?
I think the biggest obstacle to Rudy's campaign is the huge impact the next POTUS will likely have on the Supreme Court. If it wasn't for that, I think you could make a strong case that Rudy's liberal views on social issues could be sufficiently countered by conservatives in Congress.
"I'm going to ask you if you're willing to LISTEN to him as he tries to make the case that he merits your support and vote."
Like any Pol does. Come on!
"If he makes the case, fine, if not, then you're free to sit out the campaign."
Who said anything about *sitting out*? I'll be voting for Duncan Hunter, if provided the chance. He doesn't have to convince me he's a CONSERVATIVE.
You're fighting a losing battle. There are many old-fashioned conservatives here who just won't vote for someone like Rudy no matter what he does. It'll be interesting to see who pops up as the third party candidate and how much support he/she will really get.
I largely agree. Our country needs a decisive leader with common sense. Rudy is a leader and managed to turn around much of the liberal nonsense in New York City and make it a livable place again. That is a huge accomplishment. He is a proven leader with solid national security and budget credentials. We just need to make it clear to him that he must veer to the right to receive our support.
While I appreciate your passionate support for Rudy being centered around the WOT, I don't think you give enough credit to Hunter who has proven with a strong voting record that he "gets" the WOT.
As to Rudy on guns, I would recommend this thread: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1780940/posts where JimRob exposes Rudy for the unacceptable social liberal he is and not just on guns.
Tyrell's conservative bona fides are questionable given his inability to smell out that skunk in the wood pile, David Brock.
I agree with you.
I would also like Conservatives to be open minded if a National candidate Giuliani takes a different stand than the local Mayor Giuliani of the ultra-left NY City did.
One thing I know of Giuliani - you can take him at his word. He does not say things for political gain and do something else.
We have well over a year to sift through candidates. Just because two or three are leading now doesn't mean they will even be in the race a year from now. I am not going to commit to anything or anyone right now.