Any news I hear or read today in Big Media still has "Joe Wilson DISCREDITING!!! the Bush admin on uranium in Niger". I barely kept myself from screaming at the radio at work a few weeks ago when the lib radio station news stooge broadcast the "Wilson discredits Bush" lie. And that's still what Americans still hear. They don't read or hear that Joe Wilson has been proven to be a stinking liar and the Bush admin was right about Hussein and Niger uranium. They still dutifully repeat the lie that is fed to them by the Donkey Party operatives.
However, let's be more precise.
Virtually NOTHING is ever refuted by the Administration's PR machine nor the pseudo-conservative talking heads on TV so that the truth of this affair can be disseminated in easy-to-understand terms to the public.
As we all know, the never-ending, pernicious White House "New Tone", plus the comatose Justice Department under Rip Van Gonzales, plus the almost non-existent PR and rapid-response capabilities of the White House, Republican leaders, the RNC, and GOP hired public-relations hacks are and have been deader than dirt for 6 years.
Does anyone dispute the the Dem/liberal propaganda machine is effective and that of the GOP's is pathetic?
The Wilsons, Fitzmas and the MSM traitors are well aware of this and smack their lips every day as they get away with everything......virtually unchallenged.