I didn't see it, nor did I recognize the name Gravel. I should have, though.
From Wikipedia
Maurice Robert Gravel (born May 13, 1930) better known as Mike Gravel, was a Democratic U.S. Senator from Alaska for two terms, from 1969 to 1981. He is primarily known for having put into the public record the Pentagon Papers by entering 4,100 pages of the Papers into the record of his Senate subcommittee on Buildings and Grounds, in 1971. He is currently a candidate for the 2008 Democratic nomination for President of the United States.
This is what we are fighting. This is who they are. Their mind set is that we are the evil ones and anyone who opposes the United States is the "good guys."
I'm watching Shane right now on TV. If you want to know my view of reality, watch Shane and High Noon, then read Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Between them I feel they cover pretty much all you need to know about my philosophy.
But I still love Jack Palance, even though he was the bad guy in Shane!
Me too. And I love those movies. And it wasn't always easy to be the good guys. Another favorite of mine was Stalag 17. I was very young.