To: JimFreedom
Love the picture :)
Now we are even... let them rip and the truth will come out at the end :)
27 posted on
02/02/2007 7:42:06 AM PST by
(Let's not forget, we are all still friends - basically :) - despite our differences)
To: ElPatriota
Thanks, a little 'graphic' tit for tat! I have a lot of stuff but I made a vow not to use it, that is I won't graphically besmirch anyones candidate. Now making fun of the SPAMMERS and the DIMS thats a different story, I also might have to make an exception for McManiac.
I really do have some scathing stuff on Hunter but it will remain in my private archives. I had this really funny one of the Hunter Finance Committee Lemonade Stand. If people had a sense of humor here, it would be fun posting stuff like that to make a point instead of saying hey you your Stoooopid, LOL!
32 posted on
02/02/2007 7:47:01 AM PST by
(An optimistic pragmatic conservative for Rudy) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson