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To: Lunatic Fringe
Saw it live. They were ridiculous. God, I hope my children dont end up like that.
2 posted on
02/01/2007 10:26:01 AM PST by
(bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. zap)
To: Lunatic Fringe
I can appreciate their sense of the ludicrous when it comes to the Lame-Stream Media, I just hope they aren't digging themselves into deeper doo-doo with this irreverence.
6 posted on
02/01/2007 10:39:24 AM PST by
To Hell With Poverty
(If this city were any 'bluer', it'd be spelled 'bleu'.)
To: Lunatic Fringe
The media demanded a press conference, and their lawyer advised them not to talk about "the events of yesterday"- so this was the result.
It is pretty funny.
10 posted on
02/01/2007 10:42:49 AM PST by
To: Lunatic Fringe
bahahaha.. They are only taking hair questions.
11 posted on
02/01/2007 10:43:24 AM PST by
(It's the WOT Stupid)
To: Lunatic Fringe
Kind of funny? They're hilarious!! Hairstyles of the 70s? Talking about bangs getting long? LOL
12 posted on
02/01/2007 10:44:35 AM PST by
(Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. --Santayana)
To: Lunatic Fringe
You honestly thought that was funny?
15 posted on
02/01/2007 10:46:19 AM PST by
(Honk if you like Fred Thompson!!!)
To: Lunatic Fringe
Two mooks who have been told they were above average and clever all their lives, and they believed it. Time to grow up. Hope it isn't too painful for them.
18 posted on
02/01/2007 10:48:16 AM PST by
AD from SpringBay
(We have the government we allow and deserve.)
To: Lunatic Fringe
I love it when people won't dance to the tune of the media. It needs to happen more often.
24 posted on
02/01/2007 10:51:59 AM PST by
To: Lunatic Fringe
ATHF needs to write the Boston cops and Governor what's-'is-name in as special guest buffoons for a few shows. These bozos just tripled the movie's box office.
To: Lunatic Fringe
I didn't find them funny...just stupid. The situation is stupid as well, they just added their own stupidity to the equation. They could have simply said they didn't intend any harm and they didn't think what they were doing would cause the reaction it did. Apologize for the end result and shut up. Guess that'd have been too rational.
28 posted on
02/01/2007 10:54:39 AM PST by
(I don't know what my future holds, but I know Who holds my future)
To: Lunatic Fringe
If I was either of those 2 I would be making sure I was stocked up with cartons of cigarettes and soap-on-rope.
38 posted on
02/01/2007 11:02:30 AM PST by
To: Lunatic Fringe
Funny as in root canal.
Stoners who belong behind bars, IMO
49 posted on
02/01/2007 11:11:24 AM PST by
(Swiftboating - Sinking a politician's Ship of Fools by Torpedoes of Truth)
To: Lunatic Fringe
52 posted on
02/01/2007 11:13:55 AM PST by
To: Lunatic Fringe
63 posted on
02/01/2007 11:19:14 AM PST by
To: Lunatic Fringe
These guys are not funny.
I'm not laughing.
I hope they spend jail time. What is more I hope the idiots who devised this plan spend jail time AND suffer financially.
69 posted on
02/01/2007 11:23:26 AM PST by
Artemis Webb
(All Truth is God's Truth...regardless of the source.)
To: Lunatic Fringe
That was pretty good. I'm surprised the news media didn't just walk away. They're about as intelligent as the cops in Boston.
85 posted on
02/01/2007 11:32:55 AM PST by
July 4th
(A vacant lot cancelled out my vote for Bush.)
To: Lunatic Fringe
LOL! This clip is pure comedy gold.
125 posted on
02/01/2007 11:47:33 AM PST by
To: Lunatic Fringe
A couple of typical left-media conformists reveal their true priorities. Millions of these idiots glorify the terrorist Che Guevara, and therefore advance his murderous cause, simply because they dig his hair. These creatures are not human beings.
128 posted on
02/01/2007 11:49:13 AM PST by
atomic conspiracy
(Rousing the blog-rabble since 9-11-01)
To: Lunatic Fringe
I'm a loser baby...
It's the greatest generation... of idiots.
Before seeing this, I was sympathetic to these dopes.
136 posted on
02/01/2007 11:53:28 AM PST by
(When you find "Sola Scriptura" in the Bible, let me know)
To: Lunatic Fringe
The funniest part is the various news shows putting these gizmos on camera with the three little lights representing the upraised middle finger blacked out.
157 posted on
02/01/2007 12:10:17 PM PST by
(It's hard to be religious when certain people don't get struck by lightning.)
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