One needs not hyper-ventilate. First, one ought to remember that the death throes of a collapsing regime need to be watched. Secondly, the danger does not lie in their monetary reserves or any such. In a population of their present size with average IQ 105, something like 150 million Chinese have IQs above 120. In the US population of 300 million [average IQ 97 , due to heterogeneity], the IQ>120 cohort is something like 15-20 million; advantage of 7-10 to 1 in their favor. Luckily for us, they are hobbled by their social system, at least to some noticeable extent, and at present they are still behind. Besides, if they shrink their population, then [unless they resort to purposeful eugenics] they will shrink their IQ>120 cohort as well.
You said a mouthful. I worked in grad school with a Chinese guy with an IQ in the 170-180 range.
For a long time he had been assigned to a re-education camp, and his job was to guard an apple orchard. With a sharpened stick as his weapon.
Just 'cuz you have folks with the IQs doesn't mean you use them efficiently.