I don't think people realize how true the statement "the Democrats will kill us" is -- both with their government run and rationed health care proposals and being so weak on terror, as to invite terror attacks.
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To: IntelliQuark
See what happens when you prop up an empty suit? He opens his mouth, and his first big proposal is Socialized Medicine.
Does he remember this went over like a lead balloon the first time it was proposed (Hillary!)
The liberals won an election and now they think we all want to be government cheese eating Socialists.
Please, stay deluded and suggest more Socialism and perhaps a few fascist like business proposals while you're at it. We will wind up being as grateful for these proposals as we were in 1994.
30 posted on
01/26/2007 11:55:20 AM PST by
(You can now see my amazing doggie on my homepage!! Come say hello to Jake.)
To: IntelliQuark
Obama's going to win the Dem nomination, and he's worse than Hilary. I pray that he doesn't win in the general election, but right now I'm pessimistic. The people want a smooth-talking empty suit who speaks in platitudes.
33 posted on
01/26/2007 12:02:00 PM PST by
(When you find "Sola Scriptura" in the Bible, let me know)
To: IntelliQuark
These bozos are amazingly dangerous.
Everywhere we see the disadvantages of single payer government controlled health care and these Dems have the gall to keep pushing it.
Kind of like drug dealers...
34 posted on
01/26/2007 12:03:16 PM PST by
( + En Touto Nika! By this sign conquer! + Constantine the Great))
To: IntelliQuark
Bet neither one of them will sign up for it.
35 posted on
01/26/2007 12:04:00 PM PST by
(Property must be secured or liberty cannot exist. John Adams)
To: IntelliQuark
...we've come a long way since "a chicken in every pot"
43 posted on
01/26/2007 12:33:41 PM PST by
(USAF.68-73..8th TFW Ubon Thailand..never store a threat you should have eliminated)
To: IntelliQuark
I have been in the health insurance indusrty for a decade.
You can always tell the idiots who know nothing about the insurance industry, nothing about healthcare, nothing about the medical or pharmaceutical industries, and nothing about reality or even rational thought.
They are the first ones to squeal about the need for nationalized healthcare.
The reason that we have the finest medical care available in the world is precisely because it has never been nationalized.
44 posted on
01/26/2007 12:39:23 PM PST by
(Liberal? YOU HAVE NO RATIONAL ARGUMENT. Actually, you lack even a legitimate excuse.)
To: IntelliQuark
A government that can provide everything you want...will have the power to take everything you have!
53 posted on
01/26/2007 6:26:01 PM PST by
Don Corleone
(Leave the gun..take the cannoli)
To: IntelliQuark
Obama calls for universal health care within six years (and Hillary too) They will get it sooner.
54 posted on
01/26/2007 7:49:25 PM PST by
A. Pole
(Deng Xiaoping: "It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.")
To: IntelliQuark
I hope Obama and Hitlery outdo each other so far to the left that they will become the laughing stocks of the American electorate. They hopefully will keep on trying to out do each other.
What a pair of whackos!
56 posted on
01/26/2007 8:30:08 PM PST by
To: IntelliQuark
The Republicans better not allow this "universal health care" label to stick - it is Government Controlled Health Care.
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