Just a yell sank Howard Dean.
Swiftboats sank John Kerry.
Macaca sank George Allen.
Don't underestimate the frivolousness of the American people.
All true but I would make the argument that those candidacies died not because of yelling, swiftboats or maccaca, but because the candidates response or lack of response to each. Kerry waited way too long to answer the Swiftboaters, and when he did he bumbled it with dishonesty and faux outrage. I think a lot of people who could have cared less what Kerry did or did not do 30 years ago in Vietnam were disgusted by his weaseling in the present day. Look how much better GWB handled his Vietnam "scandal." He was firm, forthcoming and resolute, didn't appear to be hiding something and despite the best efforts of the MSM it didn't hurt him. George Allen took the "Trent Lott" strategy of "I'm so sorry, really sorry, I didn't know any better, did I mention how sorry I was" and got the Trent Lott results. Rudy I think could handle scandal well as he has in the past. McCain has managed his Keating Scandal involvement successfully for 20 years although he is an odd one and could self destruct at any moment. Romney doesn't seem to have any scandals but if one came up he seems to have the silver tongue to diffuse it.