Yes, thanks. She bounced right back in a week-She had no prior cardiovascular issues and passed a stress test on Day 3. But this is not the first time a Rx caused her trouble. They say "healing is an Art". Well, maybe so, but prescribing still needs peer review, or some kind of accountability. A doctor told me once that the reason for the Rx samples that began to get popular in the '80's was that the patient left with something of value in hand that would help. Add to that, hospital administrators demanding that doctors multi-schedule appointment slots, and there is great pressure to "Do something", write a script and get to the next patient.
I personally know three physicians who walked away from their practices, having become fed up with these demands as well as the malpractice premiums they generate.
One became a journal editor, one joined a subscription practice, and the other started a walk-in cash clinic.
Yep. I looked in my handy-dandy nurse's drug handbook for the side effects of fluoroquinolones and right there at the top under "cardiovascular" was the word ARRHYTHMIAS in great big bold red print. I guess that the writers intended for the reader to pay attention to that...