Ah but it is. It's an extremely powerful and influential position from which he can impact policy by guiding the creation of the PLATFORM for the Party. He also gets to influence the rules by which everyone must play. Think about that. If you write the rules, do you think it's possible to write them in such a way so as to bolster your positions and be detrimental to the opposition? This guy is from MY state. I've always regarded him as a RINO. He's also no friend to the American gunowner. I know there is some discussion about offering him next opening on the USSC. God help us if he ever becomes a US Supreme Court Justice!
You're wrong, sir. The platform is defined by the platform committee and that committee is always dominated by the staff of the presidential nominee -- in this case in 2008.
This is a non event. His job is to win a majority. It's not, and should not be, immigration.