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To: leda
Britain was "human sacrifice central" in pre Roman days. British Druidism dominated nearby parts of Europe as well. The sacrifices were for auguries and food for the gods.

Groves of trees were also sacred spots where sacrifices were performed. The sheer terror instilled by Druidism controlled humanity for eons.

Churchill's first volume of "The History of the English Speaking peoples" goes into some detail.

Humanity hasn't given up human sacrifice either. The basic instinct for atonement-by-sacrifice is carried on today by abortionists and euthanasia of the sick and elderly.

6 posted on 01/13/2007 3:55:30 PM PST by x_plus_one (Allah has no son.)
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To: x_plus_one
"The basic instinct for atonement-by-sacrifice is carried on today by abortionists and euthanasia of the sick and elderly."

How the heck did you ever come up with ridiculous assessment?

I ain't into abortion or euthanasia, but those who are, don't seem to be so for religious purposes.

Au contraire.

11 posted on 01/13/2007 4:04:04 PM PST by Radix (My Tag Line has a first name....its O S C A R.)
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To: x_plus_one
"Churchill's first volume of "The History of the English Speaking peoples" goes into some detail. "

I have all those. I bought them to read when I retired...I've been retired for 12 years now and still haven't read them. Maybe I will now.

18 posted on 01/13/2007 5:18:43 PM PST by blam
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To: x_plus_one
Right now, I'm in the middle of this fascinating book:

Origins Of The British

This book challenges some of our longest held assumptions about the differences between Anglo-Saxons and Celts – perceived differences that have informed our collective sense of identity.Orthodox history has long taught that the Romans found a uniformly Celtic population throughout the British Isles, but that the peoples of the English heartland fell victim to genocide by the Anglo-Saxon hordes during the fifth and sixth centuries.

Now Stephen Oppenheimer’s groundbreaking genetic research has revealed that the ‘Anglo-Saxon invasion’ contributed only a tiny fraction to the English gene pool. In fact, three quarters of English people can trace an unbroken line of genetic descent through their parental genes from settlers arriving long before the introduction of farming.

Synthesizing the genetic evidence with linguistics, archaeology and the historical record, Oppenheimer shows how long-term Scandinavian trade and immigration contributed the remaining quarter – mostly before the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons. These migrations may have introduced the earliest forms of English.

And what of the Celts we know – the Irish, Scots and Welsh? Scholars have traditionally placed their origins in Iron Age Central Europe, but Oppenheimer’s new data clearly show that the Welsh, Irish and other Atlantic fringe peoples derive from Ice Age refuges in the Basque country and Spain. They came by an Atlantic coastal route many thousands of years ago, though the Celtic languages we know of today were brought in by later migrations, following the same route, during Neolithic times.

Stephen Oppenheimer shows us, in his meticulous analysis, that there is in truth a deep genetic line dividing the English from the rest of the British people but that, fascinatingly, the roots of that separate identity go back not 1500 years but 6,000. The real story of the British peoples is one of extraordinary continuity and enduring lineage that has survived all onslaughts.

Stephen Oppenheimer of University of Oxford is a leading expert in the use of DNA to track migrations. His last book Out of Eden rewrote the prehistory of man’s peopling of the world in a thesis that has since been confirmed in Science. He is also the author of Eden in the East:The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia, which challenged the orthodox view of the origins of Polynesians as rice farmers from Taiwan.

Anyone interested in knowing the identity and distribution of their male founding cluster as described in Stephen Oppenheimer's book "The Origins of the British" may use the following link to have their Y chromosome tested for this.

20 posted on 01/13/2007 5:25:16 PM PST by blam
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To: x_plus_one; calcowgirl; ElkGroveDan; Phil V.; GoldCountryRedneck
"The sheer terror instilled by Druidism controlled humanity for eons."

There is an obelisk monument smack dab in the center of Placerville, CA, the county seat of El Dorado County that was erected by the CA Druids in the early 1950's. What do you make of that? Now Placerville is aka "Old Hang Town" from the gold rush days. What do you make of that?

27 posted on 01/13/2007 10:51:50 PM PST by SierraWasp (There is no one else in the hollow "center" with Arnold, except, of course... ARNOLD!!!)
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To: x_plus_one

In many ways modern environmentalism has become a religion for secularists who have abandoned traditional faiths. The logic seems to be that if we sacrifice some percentage of our economy to atone for our sins against "the earth" then the gods will allow the earth to be "saved" and the global warming will end.

57 posted on 01/15/2007 9:56:44 AM PST by colorado tanker
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