No, Senator Brownbeack...this should be a military solution, a political solution has been the problem.....come home and support our President!
this is the "safe" play, he's a chicken sh*t and he just proved it.
i've said many times on the political threads - we may not like McCain for various reasons, but the courageous position on this issue, in the face of all national polls, is to be for the "go big" approach.
Changing your position on such a serious issue as the War to win a few votes... What a disgusting (but not unexpected) political maneuver. Shame on you, Sam.
Norm Coleman (Rino, MN) also continues to side with the left.
This indicates to me that he does not have either the knowledge or the nerve for this fight that we are in, and I don't mean just Iraq. I really would not consider him presidential material. He is a very nice man, but, imho, not what we need.
Senator Brownback has just ensured that he will have no chance of being nominated for President. No Republican will get the nomination unless they support President Bush and our troops for victory. Brownback is being foolish, and it is a shame.
Oppose all you want Sam, the first of the surge has already arrived in Iraq.
Don't be foolish, Sam Brownback supports The Surge....of illegals flooding our border...
Senator Bareback's light loafers are showing.
I agree. The Iraq government is beholden to the militias so unless the Sunnis and Shiites are willing to work out there problems there's nothing much we can do. Also the surge is too small (even if we can dig up that many soldiers) to be effective over the long haul. This is a poor plan.
He has assumed candidate room temperature without realizing he has outsmarted himself.
This eliminates Brownback, in my opinion. It's not only destructive, undermining the war effort at a crucial moment, just as Pelosi is thinking of bringing it to a vote, it's incredibly dumb as a political move.
What, is he expecting to attract the Berkeley peacenik vote? There's not a chance in hell any of those people will vote for him no matter what he says.
Moreover, a conservative hopeful doesn't move to the center now, he moves to the center after getting the nomination.
Clearly he's a lightweight politician with poor advisers.
I lost interest in Brownback when he couldn't answer Hugh Hewitt's question about could we live with a nuclear Iran.
Kansas Republican Sen. Sam BROKEBACK (Brownback)
They're so used to sitting around and bloviating. Stick a fork in Brownback, he's the Senatorial version of Gary Bauer.
I see no reason to choose Brownback in the primaries over Giuliani or McCain. It is fairly clear he is not going to fight and win a war.
Scratch Brownback from the Presidential campaign - he's an idiot.
I have gone on the record on this forum saying that Sam Brownback is a lightweight and not up to the Office of President. He is my Senator. I was roundly criticized for voicing my opinion. I hope that all of those who took the opposite view will enjoy their crow souffle.