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Mitt Romney: A Massachusetts Liberal for President
American Thinker ^ | January.9, 2007 | Selwyn Duke

Posted on 01/09/2007 6:41:03 PM PST by Reagan Man

With the 2008 presidential campaign looming just on the horizon, speculation about political fortunes abounds. On the Democrat side, Lady Hillary is waiting in the wings, and the media's profilers have found their fair-haired boy in Barack Obama. On the Republican side, the picture is murkier. Often the Vice-president would be the logical choice to carry the incumbent party's torch, but Dick Cheney won't be running and, even if he did, he wouldn't win. Of course, Arizona Senator John McCain is still around, but he arouses suspicion among conservatives. Seeming worn, tired, erratic and untrustworthy, many think the old soldier should just fade away.

Enter Mitt Romney. Inching ever closer to a presidential run, the former CEO and outgoing Governor of Massachusetts is emerging as the Barack Obama of the GOP. And the analogy is apt. He has the resonant voice, the good looks, the statesman-like bearing and, going Obama two better, great hair and unobtrusive ears.

But Romney shares another commonality with Obama: He's a liberal in his party masquerading as something more palatable. Yes, sugar and spice and dealing the deck twice, that's what little politicians are made of.

As to this point, another politico he can be compared to is Al Gore. Like Gore, Romney has flip-flopped on abortion, only in the other direction. While he now claims to be pro-life, he supported legalization of the "morning-after" abortion pill, RU-486. Moreover, as recently as his 2002 run for governor his platform stated,

"The choice to have an abortion is a deeply personal one. Women should be free to choose based on their own beliefs, not the government's."

Of course, Romney says that his views have "evolved." But I strongly suspect his adaptation relates more to the evolution of political ambitions than that of conscience. Call me cynical, but unless you've been cloistered in an ancient monastery for the duration, I'm very suspicious of deep personal growth occurring between ages 55 and 59.

According to Romney, unlike himself, the "paradigm" of marriage is not "evolving," and his high profile stand against anti-marriage has garnered him much publicity of late. But here, too, Romney has been about as consistent as March weather, with a track record that belies his newfound traditionalism.

In a letter to the Log Cabin Republicans, Romney hailed Bill Clinton's "don't ask, don't tell" policy as a "step in the right direction" and "the first of a number of steps" toward homosexuals serving "openly" in the military.

Then, Brian Camenker points out the following in The Mitt Romney Deception:

- "Romney's campaign distributed pro-gay rights campaign literature during Boston's ‘Gay Pride' events," issuing pink fliers stating, "Mitt and Kerry [running mate Kerry Healey] wish you a great Pride weekend! All citizens deserve equal rights, regardless of their sexual preference."

- Romney advocated governmental recognition of homosexual adoption rights, domestic partnerships and homosexual civil unions.

- Romney opposed the Boy Scouts' policy prohibiting homosexuals from serving as scoutmasters and prevented the organization from participating publicly in the 2002 Olympics.

- The Boston Globe wrote in 2005, "Governor Mitt Romney, who touts his conservative credentials to out-of-state Republicans, has passed over GOP lawyers for three-quarters of the 36 judicial vacancies he has faced, instead tapping registered Democrats or independents - including two gay lawyers who have supported expanded same-sex rights."

- Romney promoted homosexual propaganda in Massachusetts schools through the "Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth," funding this bureaucracy of social engineering instead of eliminating it.

Thus, it's no wonder that while campaigning against Ted Kennedy in 1994, Romney said that anti-marriage "is not appropriate at this time." My guess is that the time will be right when the electorate is left.

Equally damning, though, is that in a very ominous way he can be compared to yet another infamous poseur, Hillary Clinton. On April 12, 2006, Romney signed a bill into law that creates a universal health system intrusive enough to be the envy of socialists everywhere. The plan mandates that every Ma. resident must obtain health insurance by July 1, 2007, or face a fine that could exceed 1,200 dollars a year. Of course, this scheme includes the creation of a new bureaucracy, one that will, using Big Brother's infinite wisdom, determine how much you can afford to pay. Wow, thanks for the help, Mitt. Or, is it "Vinny the Chin"? I mean, this sounds like an offer you just can't refuse.

To justify his socialist brainchild, Romney uses the argument that it is no different from requiring people to carry car insurance. Ah, speciousness, thy name is Romney. Mr. Governor, you can choose not to own a car.

Everyone must have a body.

But remember this when Romney touts his credentials as a fiscal conservative. While he may boast of his steadfast refusal to raise taxes, it rings hollow when he turns around and mandates citizen expenditures and levies fines. But liberals are adept at revenue-raising sleight-of-hand; when another tax increase would raise voter ire, they simply deem it a toll, fine, fee or, I love this one, a "surcharge." I prefer honest theft myself.

President Bush is often excoriated for betraying his conservative base, a perception that contributes to poll numbers lower than Ted Kennedy's jowls. What is forgotten, however, is that while campaigning for the presidency in 2000, Bush accused the Republican Congress of trying ". . . to balance the budget on the backs of the poor," a line that could have been culled from Democrat talking points. Folks, the president never cast himself as anything but exactly what he is. We just weren't listening.

Are we listening now?

Ah, those Massachusetts liberals: Studds, Frank, Kennedy and Willard Mitt Romney. It just seems to roll off the tongue.

Bernie Sanders for veep, anyone?

TOPICS: Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: mittromney; rino; rmthread; romneytherino
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To: bonfire

She was a real piece of work. Maybe she drove him to it.

261 posted on 01/09/2007 10:43:25 PM PST by Howlin (Don't blame me, I voted Republican!)
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To: onyx

Sorry, but it matters to me. I have no confidence that men with morals as low as these two would keep a single campaign promise.

Say they told you everything you wanted to hear, bar none. Do you honestly have confidence that they will keep their promise? I know what you'll say: no politicians do. I say you stand a better chance with a person who has demonstrated respect for other people over the years.

262 posted on 01/09/2007 10:43:27 PM PST by UWconservative
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To: Reagan Man
A Massachusetts Liberal for President

Well it's a cinch that neither Kennedy or Kerry will ever be President so it's within the realm of possibility that a Massachusetts Republican might just stand a chance...:o)
263 posted on 01/09/2007 10:43:53 PM PST by Liberty Valance (Keep a simple manner for a happy life)
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To: bonfire

Newt (3 wives), McCain (2 wives), Guiliani (3 wives), Romney (1 wife). Which one is the Mormon? LOL

264 posted on 01/09/2007 10:44:08 PM PST by Carolinamom (Thank God that Mary and Joseph were not pro-choicers.)
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To: UWconservative

Say, bud, why don't you share your sexual and marital history with us all right here and we can all decide whether you're the type of person we want to hang around with.

265 posted on 01/09/2007 10:44:43 PM PST by Howlin (Don't blame me, I voted Republican!)
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To: Carolinamom

LOLOL!!! Good one!

266 posted on 01/09/2007 10:45:08 PM PST by bonfire
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To: Carolinamom

Until death do you part... or until you find out she is a liberal. No wait, that's not it.

I admit, I am a religious nut of the Catholic variety. Marriage is a holy union to me. And nowhere does it say you may divorce over differences in politics.

267 posted on 01/09/2007 10:45:21 PM PST by UWconservative
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To: Carolinamom

Door number 4, Monte.

268 posted on 01/09/2007 10:45:33 PM PST by onyx (DONATE NOW! -- It takes DONATIONS to keep FR running!!)
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To: Torie

I see that you've met'll be needing a shower soon.

269 posted on 01/09/2007 10:45:56 PM PST by Luis Gonzalez (Some people see the world as they would want it to be, effective people see the world as it is.)
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To: UWconservative

I'm Cathloic too, but I guess I could be rigid and say that I have been voting for heretics all my life, with few exceptions.

270 posted on 01/09/2007 10:46:55 PM PST by onyx (DONATE NOW! -- It takes DONATIONS to keep FR running!!)
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To: Howlin

No I am quite informed (but of course you can call me ignorant if you want, it's just another attack tactic-of the left..), but

Homosexuality is insane, and so is the acceptance of it, sure it exists, but should only be considered a shame, but only God can ultimately redeem and save those who practice it and bring them out of it (and I believe they can be healed of this unhealthy behavior).

"Do the nasty" that "suppposed" to shock me?

271 posted on 01/09/2007 10:47:10 PM PST by JSDude1
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To: JSDude1
So much for 'hate the sin, love the sinner' eh?

You are a wacko.

272 posted on 01/09/2007 10:47:23 PM PST by Pukin Dog (Sans Reproache)
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To: Howlin; EternalVigilance
"What do you think of Mitt? "

Mitt is good guy.

The Legislature has here gone ballistic when it comes to his vetoes and their overrides.

He has been their worst nightmare during the last four years.

The Boston Globe has been in the pocket of the Legislature for a long time, but the fact that the Boston Herald has been going after Mitt since the beginning of his term is telling.

The Massachusetts budget which was out of control under Dukakis was about 12 Billion, at the end of his term, which was much higher than it was at the beginning of his term.

Now it is about 26 Billion just 18 years later.

Romney was steward over a state that had NO TAX INCREASES during his term.

The EVs and the liars in the media have an agenda against this decent and unusual politician.

273 posted on 01/09/2007 10:47:38 PM PST by Radix (There is no Allah in Valhalla)
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To: Howlin

Way too concerned with other's sex lives to have one of their own? Sounds like an ad hominem attack and unworthy of refutation.

274 posted on 01/09/2007 10:47:54 PM PST by UWconservative
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To: Plutarch

"I suppose you have been all over GWB for his RINOism."

To a degree. After he was elected the first time a liberal co-worker was going on and on about how much she hated Bush. I said "I don't care for him that much either - he's not conservative enough". (But, I did vote for him.)

However, you make a good point that this IS politics and you do the best you can with what you have to work with (like a majority of democratic senators in Mass). I'm just wishing that someone more conservative comes along for the GOP nomination.

275 posted on 01/09/2007 10:48:04 PM PST by geopyg (Don't wish for peace, pray for Victory.)
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To: Ms. AntiFeminazi; onyx
"The groundwork for the Democrats is being laid by those so-called "conservatives"."

onyx will explain.

276 posted on 01/09/2007 10:48:30 PM PST by Luis Gonzalez (Some people see the world as they would want it to be, effective people see the world as it is.)
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To: Howlin
dis·pa·rate [díspərət, di spárrət] adj very different: describes people or things so completely unlike one another that they cannot be compared

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005

277 posted on 01/09/2007 10:48:33 PM PST by MHGinTN (If you can read this, you've had life support. Promote life support for others.)
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To: Luis Gonzalez

We had quite a slug fest. I wish a boxing referee was around to score it. :)

278 posted on 01/09/2007 10:48:33 PM PST by Torie
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To: nopardons; Howlin

What wins have you had? I respect him and don't like to see your gang personally attacking him. Especially when he is just pointing out the truth about Romney, that he is no conservative. So far that is all you have, personal attacks. Yes you are spending alot more time on FR than I, I have a busy life. Spending time on FR doesn't mean you believe in conservative values. Usually you are doing what you are doing to night, having a blast attacking people who don't agree with you.And they are usually always conservatives standing up for conservative priniples that you go after the most.

279 posted on 01/09/2007 10:49:10 PM PST by Delphinium
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To: All
Gentle reminder to everyone here,

PLEASE SUPPORT FR -- It takes our donations to keep FR running

280 posted on 01/09/2007 10:50:39 PM PST by onyx (DONATE NOW! -- It takes DONATIONS to keep FR running!!)
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