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La inmigracion, si. Americanizacion, no
ChronWatch ^
| Wednesday, November 29, 2006
| David Romero
Posted on 01/09/2007 9:22:33 AM PST by A. Pole
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To: Dick Bachert
My take on Bush's role in all of this is:
1. His long and apparently positive experience with the large hispanic population in Texas is largely responsible for his inaction on this alien invasion. Not at all. The *Mexican/OTM influx* is the CFR plan to get the heat off BOTH Republicans and Democrats when the badly-leaking and patched-together Social Security system finally collapses. And as Hitler used the Jews, so is the idea for the globalists to let the American public point the blame- and their ire- at the Invaders from the south. The result can be the ceding of some U.S. territory to Mexico as *reparations* for the resulting violencia, a breakup of the USA into seperate region-states as per the 1990 breakup of the Soviet Union, or an occupation by globalist/UN multinational *peacekeepers *to stop the bloodshed.*
Whether Americans do nothing and the invaders take over, or they resist and it takes a little longer, the result will be the same so long as they look to those in Washington who've already sold them out for leadership. The most likely successful alternative is to do in advance that which is planned for the future, but before our adversaries' timetable has reached its full ripeness. [1.5 million abortions per year since Roe V. Wade/1973= 51 million Americans not there to resist the advance by 25-50 million Mexican/otm invaders.
"We have Nicaragua, soon we will have El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Mexico. One day, tomorrow or five years or fifteen years from now, we're going to take 5 to 10 million Mexicans and they are going into Dallas, into El Paso, into Houston, into New Mexico, into San Diego, and each one will have embedded in his mind the idea of killing ten Americans."
--Thomas Borge, Nicaraguan Interior Minister, as quoted in the Washington Times, March 27, 1985
posted on
01/09/2007 2:54:03 PM PST
(Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno. [from Virgil's *Aeneid*.])
To: Jack Black
The creeping balkanization described in this thread was the main theme of Chittum's book, which was one of the early discussion points that led to the creation of this ping list. CWII Ping! Chittum's 2004 columns on Iraq pretty well foretold what was going to happen there, too. I wonder what he's up to lately...and if his old e-mail address is still valid....
posted on
01/09/2007 3:03:23 PM PST
(Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno. [from Virgil's *Aeneid*.])
To: archy
The immediate future is bleak, but it is always darkest before the dawn. Something less than half of the people in the United States believe in such things as limited government, self-rule, personal responsibility, and rejection of an intrusive state. Quite frankly look around the world and we are a rare breed indeed, we are in fact the few.
Why anyone in America places faith in that Charlie Fox Trot on the Potomac anymore is beyond me. That goes for those both left and right that believe in America and themselves as American.
Perhaps just to spite all that, I say take heart. If less than six hundred Spartans can hold off the entire Persian army, if a ragtag rebel army can shock the best army in the world to create a new nation, if six million Israelis can hold off the combined Arab hordes, then we can win. It takes perseverance, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, and faith. Faith in God, your cause, yourself, and the man beside you. No one is beaten, so long as hope remains.
posted on
01/09/2007 7:45:48 PM PST
(Vince Mcmahon '08)
To: Dick Bachert
I wouldn't vote for Jeb even though I voted for his brother. I'm none too happy about W's stance on illegal immigration and for the reasons you mentioned, Jeb would be worse.
The Bush dynasty ends with W.
posted on
01/09/2007 8:15:05 PM PST
(If American "cowboy diplomacy" did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it.)
To: AFreeBird
I agree."I wouldn't vote for Jeb even though i voted for his brother."I voted for both,but i've been verrry disapointed with GW's stance(or lack of)on illegal immigration.I believe both brothers are under the impression that millions of illegals are a good thing for this country,and in my opinion that is a bad thing for America.Jeb for president?I don't think so.
posted on
01/10/2007 8:14:38 AM PST
To: Hawk1976
The immediate future is bleak, but it is always darkest before the dawn. Something less than half of the people in the United States believe in such things as limited government, self-rule, personal responsibility, and rejection of an intrusive state. Quite frankly look around the world and we are a rare breed indeed, we are in fact the few. Why anyone in America places faith in that Charlie Fox Trot on the Potomac anymore is beyond me. That goes for those both left and right that believe in America and themselves as American.
Perhaps just to spite all that, I say take heart. If less than six hundred Spartans can hold off the entire Persian army, if a ragtag rebel army can shock the best army in the world to create a new nation, if six million Israelis can hold off the combined Arab hordes, then we can win. It takes perseverance, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, and faith. Faith in God, your cause, yourself, and the man beside you. No one is beaten, so long as hope remains.
VERY well said, my FRiend. Care to join some of us in further considerations of such matters? And may I quote your profound observation on my FR homepage?
posted on
01/12/2007 11:16:42 AM PST
(Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno. [from Virgil's *Aeneid*.])
To: archy
I would be honored if you quote me.
posted on
01/12/2007 2:34:38 PM PST
(Vince Mcmahon '08)
To: Hawk1976
I would be honored if you quote me. Your quoted entry is on my FReeper profile page about three-quarters of the way down, right after a Genghiz Khan quotation. That puts you in pretty heady company.
posted on
01/12/2007 2:52:24 PM PST
(Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno. [from Virgil's *Aeneid*.])
To: CharlesWayneCT
I hope you confronted that scumbag POS and the school's administration for allowing her to spew her rot into the ears of the kids. We, as Americans, absolutely must oppose with every fiber of our being(s), otherwise we'll not have a country left to call our own within our lifetime(s).
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
posted on
01/12/2007 3:00:29 PM PST
wku man
(Gun show at the West. Idaho Fairgrounds this weekend...Boise FReepers, BLOAT!!!!)
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