Graham hopes Petraeus is Bush's Grant. Actually, so do I.
Ralph Peters also wrote an excellent article in NYPost yesterday about Petraeus & President's future vision on Iran. BTW, O'Reilly gave a good one to Andrea Mitchell about Chris Mathews.
According to historians Lincoln is supposed to have said this about accusations concerning Grant's drinking habits:
"So Grant gets drunk, does he?" queried Lincoln, addressing himself to one of the particularly active detractors of the soldier, who, at that period, was inflicting heavy damage upon the Confederates.
"Yes, he does, and I can prove it," was the reply.
"Well," returned Lincoln, with the faintest suspicion of a twinkle in his eye, "you needn't waste your time getting proof; you just find out, to oblige me, what brand of whiskey Grant drinks, because I want to send a barrel of it to each one of my generals."
So we should find out what whiskey it was that Grant drank (Grant is said to have favored Old Crow), buy a case and send it to the good Admiral (care of a nearby warship, not to be shipped in country, of course)