Trust me when I tell you this. Amy Klobuchar is an empty skirt. No, she's not stupid - but she is disingenuous and vacuous. If you had the chance to see her on TV during the election season, she never ever said what she would do or how she'd vote.
Of course, the TV and print media in the Twin Cities never took to questioning her - or Keith "Jihad" Ellison - about too much of anything. I guess it was like that everywhere. The media has always leaned Dem - but in this election cycle, they completely climbed over the fence.
Last fall, I actually e-mailed a Red Star columnist and asked if he was gonna submit any of his columns to the Klobuchar campaign as an in-kind contribution. Never got an answer. Not surprised though.
The next two years are NOT gonna be fun. Not at all.
Comments or opinions - anyone?
Allahu Fubar.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel Fine.
Do horses spook at the sound of her name?
Comments, yes... Can we have our America back, please ?
There was some information about Thomas Jefferson's copy of the Koran on another thread. Apparently he wanted to study it to help him understand how to deal with the Barbary Pirates. Ellison is putting it to the opposite use. If he has his way, we will soon be seeing Barbary pirates operating here. Shameful.
I'll watch the Number 9. Robyne will be fawning, while Jeff Passolt sits there with a big, fake smile trying not to puke. (I've gotten the impression from listening to Jeff on the Morning Show that he's no lib)
We would be far better off with more of these Muslims in Congress than we are with Catholics like Pelosi. At least Ellison had the decency to convert so people would know what he stands for.
He touched the Koran with his LEFT hand!!!???
Wait a minute...isn't that...?
I had some free time this morning so watched the CBC ceremony on cspan. The guy who was chairing the festivities said something like "Praise to Allah" after introducing Ellison. My sense was the audience must have been shocked because he then started making excuses about what he said, then after more introductions made sure he quoted Biblical verses....
I had read that the koran thing would be for the photo op only, not the official oath-taking. Looks like that info was wrong.
No matter, 'cause if he obeys the koran, he will lie to non-Muslims any way. Of course, as a politician, he'll to everybody.
She's a DFL'er for crying out loud!
She couldn't have been raised to the position of Senator as a DFL'er without toting the party agenda.
As though it ain't enough to be living in Ellison's district, I learned yesterday that my alma mater, Wm. Mitchell College of Law, has a radical Somali on its faculty teaching Islamic law. In a way that fits since the faculty includes a coven of National Lawyers Guild members.
The Star and Sickle understands that too much questioning can increase the likelihood of a slip of the tongue and expose the truth of the true agenda of the DFL and create irreversible damage to the cause.
Frankly, I hope that this guy is a one-term (lack of) wonder. I hope that in the interim, Minnesota's brain unfreezes and they see what they have perpetrated on the rest of the country.
Sure - get used to this puke:
Allah Akbar - Allah Akbar - Allah Akbar
"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city.
But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague." - Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman Orator --- 106-43 B.C.
All I know is that it's disgusting to see this happening. This once proud Judeo-Christian nation, which I still love by the way, is heading down the crapper. All we can do is pray for one more season of restraint from God Almighty. If it doesn't happen and we're taken out before the end comes, then so much the better, but people like Pelosi, Ellison, and their ilk are going to try their level-headed best to to further the immorality anti-christian mindset that permeates their party.
I am in Hell. Please kill me.