My concern is they will repop in Kenya. They have to be driven into the sea or better to hell.
They've lost face by fleeing. Tough to get financing again from your backers, and to recruit newbies, when you've fled with hardly a fight of note.
...where The U.S. Fifth Fleet is present and accounted for.
Exactly. Bomb them into the earth's ashes. There is not one Jihadist-Islamofascist that should now ever be captured. No prisoners. Kill every one of them and the sooner the better by every threatened govt. Rules of engagement have to be changed by Americans so as not to leave any alive.
The Lamu area near the border of Kenya and Somalia is an Islamic stronghold. I know this because when every other community of Kenya was provided with clean water and basic sanitation, Lamu was still suffering from easily preventable water-borne diseases.
The Islamists never create. They can only destroy. If you find a backwater in the World, bereft of the benefits of modern science and public health, you know you have found an Islamist hell-hole.