Paleo bump!
"neoconservatives (aka "liberals in disguise")'
What a pantload. Neocons were solidly behind the Iraq war, the wreckage of which paleos cling to like lifesavers. The error we neocons made was in thinking Arabs, when free to choose, would choose democracy. Our bad. That doesn't make one a liberal. In fact, liberty used to be a conservative thing.
Merry Christmas!
Seems to me that the author would do better to simply expose the flaws of the Enlightenment and then state that 'real Conservatives' don't follow these flaws.
Put another way, the author has completely ignored the religious foundation for Real Conservatism, although hs mentioned it in passing a couple of times.
Had he wished, he would have made it clear that Real Conservatives support welfare--except we call it "generosity" and relief is given until the beneficiary gets back on their feet and (later) repays by similar generosity to another individual in hard times...etc, etc.