Call me a butt, but abortion shouldn't be such a big issue. If a mother has complications and aborting the fetus is the only to save the mother or the womb, what will happen when the doctors say "I'm sorry ma'am, but it's against the law to abort the child." What would the couple say when the doctor tells them that?
I fully understand that at a certain point, the heartbeat starts, but everybody is making such a big nothing out of this issue. Keep the religious beliefs out of the government.
Flaming is welcome
One of the most ardent pro-lifers I know is an avowed atheist who bases his entire pro-life position on a non-sectarian, humanitarian philosophy.
Ironically, I suspect he's eventually going to become religious in the end as a result of this atheism. The diabolical nature of abortion is such that it has gradually convinced him of the existence of Satan -- which almost by definition will require him to acknowlege the existence of God.
What about the 99.99% which are purely for convenience?
The "doctrine of competing harms" (to wit: do what results in less harm) rightfully covers the other 0.01%.
Out there in the real world it isn't. Most voters couldn't care less about abortion either way. The issue has largly been decided with the American people who seem to be content with the status quo.
1) Those 'abortons' are rare when you really have to pick the life of the child over the mother.
2) I also oppose abortion becuase of practical reasons such as:
a) Roe v. Wade was such an abohorant Judicial Activist decision that it should not have been made (where are your 'prenumbra' and 'emanations') b) Thomas Jefferson was pro-life: ALL Men are endowed by their Creatior with certain inalienable rights among those are LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS c)Your mother did not 'abort' (murder) You why should this be allowed to your 'neighbor'..? d) modern science practialy proves that a fetus is a full human being (just at an earlier stage of development).
3) Murder is wrong (I do take that belief partly from my religious views), and abortin is Murder!
4) I absolutely can impart these views into government since our nation gives us an avenue to do so, plus the left 'pro-choice' position is in such contrary to the Consitution as well as moral position that is is my duty as an American and a Chrisian to oppose it!
Can't do that.. Atheism and secular humanism are both religious..
I see it this way, the country has survived roughly 30 years of abortion we can survive with it a little longer. This country can survive with gay marriages. I am not pro either one of those. This country can not survive us not being armed.
Gun control is a form of slavery, we have to get permission from our masters (the governements) to have them (only certain ones). Until we return to a Constitutional government, we should not put any other issue above protecting the Constitution/BOR.
Dear wastedyears,
In Maryland, Medicaid pays for the abortions of poor women.
Of nearly 3,700 abortions paid for in the last reporting year (FY 2005), none were performed because the mother's life was in imminent danger.
Two were performed because the continued pregnancy may have eventually resulted in the death of the mother.
Three were performed because continued pregnancy might have had an impact on the mother's physical health.
The law, pre-Roe, provided for exceptions in these very, very rare cases.