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To: Atlantic Bridge
Well, Andreas, it looks like some kind of nonsense.

Here you have a full text of the official statement of the Polish MFA relating to this issue (unfortunately in Polish only).,Ministra,Spraw,Zagranicznych,RP,8633.html

And there is not a single word about any ideas to question the border treaty.
35 posted on 12/19/2006 9:21:49 AM PST by lizol (Liberal - a man with his mind open ... at both ends)
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To: lizol; vox_PL
And there is not a single word about any ideas to question the border treaty.

It would be completely moronic to do the neo-nazis this favour.

Well, Andreas, it looks like some kind of nonsense. Here you have a full text of the official statement of the Polish MFA relating to this issue (unfortunately in Polish only).

Due to the failure of the German educational system to convey all languages of our neighbours to our pupils I was never taught any Polish, although I would have been really very interested in learning it if there would have been the possibility to do so. One of the things that should be changed soon in our common interest. Maybe it will be easier for my kids to learn your language. To talk to you I have to take a detour by using English. Anyway I can not read this text.

This is what "DER SPIEGEL" wrote:

Auch Polens Außenministerin Anna Fotyga reagierte auf die Aktion der Preußischen Treuhahand. Ereignisse wie deren Klage müssten "sehr klare Reaktionen" folgen, sagte Fotyga dem öffentlichen Rundfunksender Trojka. "Wir werden auf diese Weise reagieren." Auf die Frage, ob damit eine Neuverhandlung des deutsch-polnischen Grenzvertrages von 1990 gemeint sein könnte, sagte Fotyga nach Angaben mehrere deutscher und polnischer Agenturen: "Ja, das ist genau das."

My translation:

The foreign minister of Poland, Anna Fotyga reacted on the action of the Prussian trust. On occurrences like their lawsuit must follow "very clear reactions" said Fotvga to the public TV-station Trojka. "We will react in this way". On the question if that means a new negotiation of the German-Polish treaty concerning the common border said Fotyga on reports of several German and Polish (news)agencies: "Yes, that is exactly that."

It would be very interesting to find out if this TV-station has something according on its homepage. I would do so, but due to my incapacity in Polish I am simply unable .

I do not trust into "Der Spiegel" either, but I doubt that they provoke such a canard without any need. This would be more than just the failure of a bad journalist. Although they belong to the MSM-media they have a good reputation for their accuracy and after the "potato"-scandal German tabloids and newspapers are for sure more careful about their coverage on the Polish administration.

41 posted on 12/19/2006 4:07:57 PM PST by Atlantic Bridge (De omnibus dubitandum)
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