"..my resolve AGAINST euthanasia is stronger than ever...."
Good for you. While none of us want to see a loved one suffer there is still an intrinsic value to human life. "Do not go gentle into that good night" evokes the love of a son for his father saying that death is not to be feared but that last breath is to be fought for.
If we decline ourselves it may seem kind to just save your loved ones the images of yourself in a terrible state but calling ghouls like Dr. Death is not the answer.
I remember when John Paul II laid dying in the Vatican for those several days. In the last years of his life, he must have been in horrible pain from all of his afflictions. But he knew that suffering is a part of life, and through his suffering, he brought many to the church that may otherwise not have come. I know for me, it had a profound influence on my feelings regarding this matter.