Let each group (Jews, Athiests, Pagans, etc.) be allowed to hang one ornament on the trees.
Well that's appropriate since the tree is a pagan symbol, anyway. Still I do love the trees. Was listening to my former Pastor on the radio last week and he was responding to a question from a listener on how appropriate it is for a real Christian to put up the pagan symbol of the Christmas tree. He said he argues with his wife every year they ought not to be putting those things up....and...obviously he is the KING in his castle (having his wife's permission to say so) and there is not only one tree in the home...but multiple trees! He justifies it by saying that yes the tree is a pagan symbol but has become so inextricably connected to the Christian season so as to become benign. Besides...they're beautiful and surely the birth of the saviour is a beautiful event. My pastor has a web site if you're curious. He's rather well known. KEY LIFE And while we're at it....RAPTURE READY?
Atheists don't need an ornament. Their religion is represented by the empty space between the trees.