Posted on 11/29/2006 3:18:33 PM PST by lowbridge
Posted by Megan McCormack on November 29, 2006 - 11:35.
ABCs John Stossel is well known for his libertarian views and for challenging liberal conventional wisdom. On Wednesdays Good Morning America, Stossel was at it again as he debunked the widely held perception that liberals are more generous in their charitable contributions than conservatives. As part of a 20/20 special airing Wednesday night, Stossel interviewed Syracuse University professor Arthur Brooks, who conducted a study which found that conservatives, while making slightly less money than liberals, actually contribute more:
John Stossel: "But it turns out that this idea that liberals give more is a myth. These are the twenty-five states where people give an above average percent of their income, twenty-four were red states in the last presidential election."
Arthur Brooks, Who Really Cares, author: "When you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about thirty percent more per conservative-headed family than per liberal-headed family. And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money."
Stossel then highlighted Brooks theory as to how differences in political philosophy concerning the role of government in peoples lives has contributed to this difference in giving:
Stossel: "Conservatives are even eighteen percent more likely to donate blood. Brooks says it's because of the different role that conservatives and liberals see for government."
Brooks: "You find that people who believe it's the government's job to make incomes more equal are far less likely to give their money away."
As for which economic class is more giving, Stossel reported Brooks findings that while the rich contribute more in total dollars, the working poor actually donates a higher percentage of their income, while the middle class gives the least:
Stossel: "The second myth is that the people with the most money are the most generous. You think they'd be. After all, the rich should have the most to spare. While the rich give more in overall dollars, people at the lower end of the income scale give almost thirty percent more of their income than the rich...A graph of giving in America resembles a ski jump. The people on each end give a higher percentage."
Brooks: "The two most generous groups in America are the rich and the working poor. The middle class give the least."
Wrapping up the segment, GMA anchor Diane Sawyer asked Stossel if he would be going after billionaires to get them to give more, despite the fact Brooks mentioned the rich as one of the most generous groups in the country, and sounded pleased with his response:
Sawyer: "And you're going to confront some billionaires, and see if you can milk them for more."
Stossel: "Yeah, they've got billions, why don't they give more? Are they cheap?"
Sawyer: "Good for you!"
I wonder if this is even taking into account what conservatives give religious organizations like churches.
We all know John Kerry only gives on election years and not much even themn. We know Al Gore is a cheapskate. I wonder what plastic Pelosi gives. I would almost bet that Ted Kennedy gives nothing and puts down his photo-op visits as an expense and claims it as a donation.
Very interesting. Liberals are the ones who are so compassionate, so they say. They are the ones who want to help the poor, tired, and huddled masses. Or so they say.
I bet that liberals don't give as much because, they think that the government should take care of every social ill. Plus, young liberals undergo a "culture shock" when they go to work and see how much in taxes is withheld from their paychecks. Then, in their minds, they think that they pay so much in taxes, that the government surely ought to solve all problems of society, and that the government is getting the tax money to solve any problem.
There goes the "GOP is for the Rich" argument.
That's mentioned in the article. And you're right.
Maybe Stossel should start with Diane Sawyer and her husband Mike Nichols.
Diane Sawyer earns 12 million a year
Mike Nichols earns 9 million a year
You don't suppose that those reactionary right wingers are given to support charitable causes because of their narrow, judgmental, bigoted Christian beliefs, do you? /sarc
Speaking of Christian based charity, make sure you drop something in the kettle when you see the Salvation Army bellringers this season...
I wonder what plastic Pelosi gives...
Moreover, I suspect that a lot of liberal charity goes to very questionable causes.
Is the ACLU a worthy cause? Planned Parenthood? NARAL?
For that matter, even such outfits as the Sierra Club or the Audubon Society now spend the greater part of their efforts on leftist politicking and advocating such obscenities as population control and abortion.
...Clintons donate their underwear.
Charity is easy when it is someone else's time and money.
As I have said before, a great definition for liberal is "someone who is generous .... with your money"
I heard this on Rush's show today. This is OUTSIDE of gifts to the church. This does NOT include tithing, etc., so the giving is actually more pronounced. He also said that religious people are much more generous than non-religious, as a whole. Additionally, people that believe that government should be limited also are much more likely to take it upon themselves to help the needy and give more generously than those who believe the government should be the big daddy. He said that is one of the reasons Europeans are considerably less giving than Americans.
Makes sense.
No, you are not the only one. Everytime I hear that from someone who makes seven figures, I just roll my eyes. It is so old.
No surprise here: The DemocRATS (aka liberals) have ALWAYS preferred giving away OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY.
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