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To: cva66snipe
No real hatred for Bush as a person. You will not find anything beyond smirking chimp about him personally.

No 'hatred'.....just utter condescension and disdain.

If you were pro-life and pro-military, you would never, ever say that President Bush is the same as a Dem. If you were an economic conservative you would never ever say that President Bush is the same as a Dem (I'm not talking about spending, I'm talking about tax and pro-business policy).

There is something else beneath your calling the Commander in Chief during a time of war a 'smirking chimp.' And it has nothing to do with the President...........only with you.

421 posted on 11/29/2006 7:10:06 AM PST by ohioWfan (President Bush - courageously and honorably protecting us in dangerous times, . Praise the Lord!)
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To: ohioWfan
If you were pro-life and pro-military, you would never, ever say that President Bush is the same as a Dem.

I do when this happens. I do my homework on things. We are currently at End Troop Strength Levels of 1996 under Clinton or very near it within 20,000. Those levels were set then by a GOP Congress. We have our service members deployed in many places today not just two. That means short rotations home and long deployment times. I understand staying gone on deployments. Been there done that twice. It was 16-18 hour work days on the good days more on the bad.

I'll explain something else. I saw the military almost at it's worse since WW2 when I enlisted in 1976. When I got to the ship in Feb 1977 it was a mess. Desertion was high and discipline and morale was bad. I toughed it out. Now guess who was Secretary of Defense when I enlisted that ALLOWED those conditions to be? I do not like Jimmy Carter one bit as a POTUS but he did not create the Hollow Carter Military. One Donald Rumsfeld accomplished that.

There were issues that fell squarely on his shoulders such as the conditions mentioned. If someone in the service mid 1970's says they were in say about a year and got out unless they got a medical discharge they walked off and came back 31 days later and were discharged. I saw it time and time again. I personally know about 4 classmates from high school with less than honorable discharges.

Next Cheney was about as sorry at the job as Rummy in his tenure at it. We went to war and were downsizing at the same time. Bad thought out ship deployment rotations cost us an aircraft carrier because of it and nearly some good men lives. In early 1993 just months past Bush 1's term it was a mess. One carrier needing to be in overhaul because it had just made two deployments in two years was sent the third time in August 1993 on a third deployment in a condition simuliar to that of the 2001 JFK and KITTY HAWK. When she came back a boiler room explosion happened. The third deployment was both Cheney and Clinton's Sec of Def responsibility as deployments are decided up to a year in advance.

I am very pro-military and I question a lot of what is going on. For example on the USS REAGAN under Bush tenure I saw footage of that carrier from 2003 I think that was classified on the History Channel. Below second Deck on a carrier is classified. The Weapons Magazines are Classified. My shop had equipment in them and my Chief was the only one with clearance to go there.

We have needed about a third more manpower for 10 years. No one not the GOP nor POTUS has called for nothing but token raises in the number of active duty.

I am a former Army National Guard member era 1984. NG's are fine for domestic missions and Civil Defense etc. They should not on a long term ongoing basis be used as foreign deployables. Had Bush asked the GOP congress on 9/12/01 for a substantial increase in allowed active duty forces he would have gotten them but he didn't. Bush had not undone one single thing Bill Clinton did. Rummy would not even rescind the ill conceived Green Beret order. A Green Beret up till then was a hard earned honor.

I'm pro military but you would not like my ideas on it. If we send one person in uniform to war our congress best be 100% without reservation behind them. That means send them in on a military mission with solely a military goal which is victory via the elimination of the enemy at all cost or an unconditional surrender of the enemy and they cease fire. Rules of engagement are B.S. They are Marxist tools to tie the hands of our troops and up through WW2 they were very limited. We started on a course of being nation builders and foreign police and things went bad. We call them Korea, Nam, and Gulf War 1 where political correctness took precedent over military missions.

If I hear about the poor innocents in Iraq and other nations we have fought I will puke. That is PC hogwash. There are no innocents in war when it comes to the enemy nation. There were none when spared in this nation went to war even against itself.

Political Correctness and letting others set our foreign policy is why there was a Gulf War 2. Poppy lacked the guts to do the job. He ordered our troop's there for something less than what is required in war. Show me pictures of the children and I'll show you Hillary Clinton type political tactics. I gaurantee you Hillary will show ones like it soon to stay in Iraq for years to come on a humanatarian mission.

Men, women, children, and all GOD's creatures die in war. Maybe if people thought long and hard and serious on the matter before going there? Well who knows. If the nation leadership and citizens don't have the stomach for the carnage that comes with it then stay home because good soldiers lives will be used for an unjust cause on count of it. A soldier deserves their victory and praise. An expidited end to their mission. Their mission is to kill. Many do not understand that the job of a soldier in war is to kill. It is not to build schools and make new friends.

War is an absolute horror our congress and many persons do not understand it. It can not be kinder and gentler not when fighting an enemy like radical Islam. Many innocents will die and GOD will sort it out.

Don't preach to me Biblical aspects of it especially about war in the M.E. saying we owe then democracy as a Christian nation. Look in Joshua. Look at the battles. Look at what was said .

Numbers 31:15 And Moses said to them, "Have you spared all the women? Numbers 31:16 "Behold, these caused the sons of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, so the plague was among the congregation of the Lord. Numbers 31:17 "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. Numbers 31:18 "But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.

Horrifying scripture isn't it? I didn't say it GOD did. Where were the innocents? Where were the innocents in every war this nation fought from the Revolution -WW2? Generals and elected understood war. Even socialist FDR understood war. No POTUS has since however and we have not won one since. I saw good men many were vets on that cut and run thread put down. They were tring to drive home a point nobody wants to hear. Do you really understand war? I think you have someone deployed and I thank them for that service but look at what is being asked. Then look at our national policy. We are lacking and fall way short.

Yea it is a horror of horror in war. War is judgment against another nation and a Biblical concept. Some nations are completely wiped out because of war. Maybe that is why I wasn't a cheerleader for going into Iraq again especially after I read the contents of the so called congressional declaration. It looked more like a pice of dribble written in the chambers of the U.N. to me.

I understood Saddam had to go but Congress and POTUS did not understand how to do it and get out. I am not the one who calls Islam an religion of peace I know better. It is a cult that leads to abomination. There I said it.

Which brings up the point why was Sadddam turned over to the Iraqi people? Good troops died trying to get to that man and GW Bush wants to play school over there? Had he done his sworn duty Saddam would have faced a military tribunal and would be dead now instead of a rallying cause for the enemy of our nation. Mistake after mistake!

The last great Secretary of Defense we had was Weinberger none better since WW2. Rummy and Cheney no where near approach him in what he did for this nations military. He proved turning around the military could be done in a short time even facing a DEM majority. What is Bush and Rummy's excuse.

I saw someone post a picture the cut and run thread of Iraqi kids. Hey IF the people of Iraq want their freedom fine. They themselves must earn it themselves on their own. They do not actually want it as Islam forbids it. They must therefore reject Islam and that is not going to happen. They wait for a new Cleric to take over and their life goes on. Not one Islamic nation has overthrows their radical Islamic leader except for another one. Think about it.

Military wise we need to abandon P.C. I'm going to say some things that will likely offend many but so be it. I'm not a politically correct person.

Number one is removal of women from all combat ships. No exception. There is no room for co-ed shipmates as it effects readiness. It has to effect it there is now way around it and I know what I am talking about. Readiness comes first period. Number two removal of women from deployed forces such as supply units ect which are subject to attack. Number 3 no gays in the military. They tell or get caught {and we had a few who were caught in the act} type their orders out of the military while the plane is warming up. I've seen it done, it can be done, it must be done. Number4 end our dependency on Army National Guard Units and ongoing foreign deployables. They take an oath as well to the authority of their state governor and as such are a primary element in state Civil Defense in event of attack or natural disaster. We saw the need last year when the Gulf Coast was hit.

I can not think of one single bad policy that Poppy and Clinton put into place military wise that Bush has changed. We need another Cap Weinberger who can step in and do the job. We need someone outside of the Bush inner circle as Secretary of Defense. We need to prepare for the possibility of a two hemisphere war capability extended if necessary. That means a return to a semi-Cold War posture and manpower level. I believe in the volunteer military and Bush and congress wasted ample opportunities to bring the level to where it should be. There is no excuse for some being in Iraq for third and forth times none whatsoever. The only exception would be career military being deployed in their next enlistment cycle. That is over deployment of troops.

Troops like the equipment must have substantial down time between deployments for training, rest, maintenance, and upkeep. No person can be deployed indefinitely nor can any ship. No not even the nuke powered carriers can stay at sea any longer than a conventional can. Again I understand the whys and how comes of it.

I am pro-life in relation to the birth of a child. Abortion should be banned period no exceptions. In event of the health and life of the mother established medical protocol back from the early 1800's even says take the baby if the mother is in danger and GOD's will be done. The only exception I know is a religious one practiced by the Roman Catholic Church where mothers many times die to deliver a baby under that risk. That is their choice I respect it.

I am not worried about the war in Iraq and against Islam as I am the war going on right here and right now in our nation. It is a war being waged by our education system against the very foundation of this nation. It is called Political Correctness or Cultural Marxism. If you are not pro-gay you are homophobic for example and that is quickly going to be a hate crime. That is but one example. If you are anti affirmative action you are a racist then. If you are pro-gun ownership you are a whack job extremist is another.

A war began in this nation right before WW2. It stemmed from Marxist from Germany coming here after being expelled from Germany and opening up shop in our schools and universities. They are taking down the United States and have not so much as fired one shot. Many stand in line to drink their kool-aide. They are in the rank and file of the Democratic party as well as the GOP and some thirds like Green party etc.

But hey what do I know I have but a rural high school education from a school that had teachers who didn't have the enlightened ones teaching them the new way.

427 posted on 11/29/2006 1:02:16 PM PST by cva66snipe (If it was wrong for Clinton why do some support it for Bush? Party over nation destroys the nation.)
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