The problem here is that they weren't perps.
The worst thing they might have been guilty of was going to a bad costume party, but when I think about some of the costume parties I have been to, this one seems pretty tame.
And this weapons of mass destruction BS is a complete crock.
After having seen how the Patriot Act has been misused and every two-bit drug dealer is now somehow connected to "terrorism" to both justify police tactics and to increase poenalties, I am now 100% against it.
If we want a special law to go after muslim fanatics who want to kill us, I am for it. When LE turns around and uses that law against common criminals, they have fouled their own nest, and we should take that tool away from them. And, any success that the muslim fanatics have because the tool was taken away can be laid squarely at the feet of the ones who misused it.
"After having seen how the Patriot Act has been misused and every two-bit drug dealer is now somehow connected to "terrorism" to both justify police tactics and to increase poenalties, I am now 100% against it."
It's hard to disagree with you.
Thomas Jefferson, blessed be his name, never used smile icons, sarcasm tags or other literal indication of having tongue-in-cheek in his writings, for using these would have been considered a gross insult to the reader's intelligence. Now, if he wasn't a conservative - then who was? And therefore we are to follow his example as far as it is within our powers..
See, that's just what I'd have expected an America-hating, Muslim-loving, terrorist-buttsmooching...where was I going with this again? Oh, yeah, you Bush-hating Islamist-coddlers make me sick! You think we should just lie down for the terrorists and take away all the power the federal government has to deal with them! You think we should just repeal the Patriot Act, which would mean countless criminals we could under that wonderful-loved-by-patriots-hated-only-by-anti-American-types-law vaguely tie to terrorism legally because they use somewhat tangentially related schemes or methods--even if their intentions were clear and not remotely terror-linked--would go free! You want that? I bet you do, you Osama-lovin' Al Qaetite weasel, you! Go back to Canada, you hippie!