There is actually a SANE JUDGE out there (unfortunately, he's in England)!
Why do you suppose the UK does not allow this woman's name to be released?
If she wakes up and wants to go back to sleep, she can then make the decision herself on whether she wants the drug or not.
Ah yes because the State knows better than the family right? All hail the State, forgo the family. Because the State knows best...One more thing to add to my living will apparently to keep the ghouls away
"There is actually a SANE JUDGE out there (unfortunately, he's in England)!"
I still don't like the idea of any judge of any kind being the one who has to decide cases like this.
Judges are not doctors.
Starvation/dehydration should never be used....period.
pvs is not well understood, and is misdiagnosed over 40% of the time.
These people are brain-damaged, not brain dead.
If they don't meet the criteria for brain death, they should not have to suffer dehydration.