I found the link to this story via Little Green Footballs
and I found the LGF story because it is linked at Orbusmax
If this guy can't abide with cabbie rules, let him do something else.
The man makes his living with his cab. Simple solution, make sure it always remains empty.
These muslims are getting out of hand. First alcohol, now dogs. Scruem
These Islamics will stop at nothing to force their perverted "religion" (cult) behaviors on OUR SOCIETY. Wake up America before it is too late....(wanna look like France or Britain??)
Well, I thought they weren't supposed to associate with infidels but that apparently hasn't stopped him from living here or taking other infidels money.
Maybe cats?
In Islam, in general, the handicapped, mentally retarded, and those with birth defects are treated as though they are personally at fault for their problems.
The Islamic belief is that the injured person has sinned, or his mother or father sinned, and he is guilty.
It's the sort of attitude that is not compatible with life in the West, and anyone who wants to hold to it should go back home.
He would never get away with that in a Houston cab. It's common knowledge what "family" owns Yellow cab here.
And pigs
And uncovered women
And alchohol
And anyone of any religion other than Islam
And other Muslims of different sects
This should really throw the liberals into a tailspin. Do they defend the handicapped of the terrorists? And what about the animal rights people? Think of the poor dogs feelings....
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If you have no alternative but to get a ride from these barbarians, pay them with bacon grease coated bills and leave sliced ham on the seats.
I knew they had a problem with pigs and women who had been victimized by rape, but dogs?? I just bought my mutts an I Bite Liberals t-shirt. Wonder if there is a Pet Me if You're Muslim t-shirt.
Let's ask the dog, since it was all about him. I trust the dog more than the cab driver.
""" Mitha said all that would be required in most circumstances would be for a Muslim person to wash their hands before eating if they have been in contact with a dog.
"That's not a terrible task to go through," he said. """
Mitha said the real reason this happens probably doesn't have anything to do with religion. "People don't want dogs in their cabs," he said. Under legislation, however, cab drivers must be willing to take certified assistance dogs.
I got better idea just fire this bozo
He doesn't like it TOUGH S***T
"That's not a terrible task to go through," he said. "
How would we know? We don't believe in their stoopid stone age murder cult.
Maybe muuuhamhead (Pigs be inseminating her) had a hand washing phobia.
Saudi Arabian religious police recently banned the sale of dogs and cats:
"One bad habit spreading among our youths is the acquisition of dogs and showing them off in the streets and malls," wrote Aleetha al-Jihani in a letter to Al-Madina newspaper. "There's no doubt that such a matter makes one shudder."
"Then what's the point of dragging a dog behind you?" he added. "This is blind emulation of the infidels."