Our governor, a democrat, stumped for Tester and a lot of people like our governor. That had to help Tester a lot.
The guy that ran against Conrad Burns in the primaries is one of our local distrist representatives and he is GREAT..outspoken, definitely has a spine but he is not well known enough in the rest of the state to have won the primaries. He would have been great againts Tester, I think.
I never heard of Tester before this election except in the primaries. but, I sure got my fill of him by the time elections were over! :(
That came out sounding a little strange. I think Bob Keenan would have been great against Tester, even though he wasn't a high profile figure around the state.
I believe after a strong campaign he would have been very well known and respected by the time the November elections came. He is a very strong conservative and not afraid to speak out. I still have high hopes for him in the coming years.
Youve got a goood congressman too