You can't blame the kids. They've been raised with mum or da making all their decisions supervising every aspect of their lives, they've never had an opportunity to become people. My wife works at a college, she deals with helicopter parents all the time, she looks the kid dead in the eye and includes the kid's name in a question and before the kid can even open their mouth the parent is answering. That's the environment these kids have been in all their lives, they've probably never had a chance to order their own food at a restaraunt, pick their own classes or extracurricular activies in school, decide on their own clothes. Their parents never shut their yaps long enough for the kid to advance past age 6 in maturity.
I'm not blaming the kids. I am saying they are what they are and I would not hire one.
>>That's the environment these kids have been in all their lives, they've probably never had a chance to order their own food at a restaraunt, pick their own classes or extracurricular activies in school, decide on their own clothes. Their parents never shut their yaps long enough for the kid to advance past age 6 in maturity.<<
That's why I would not hire them - at least right out of school. They need their expectations changed with a serious paradigm shift. Once another employer or three has worked that out of them, I may want to look at their accomplishments to determine if they would be a good fit in my company.
OTOH, it is becoming quite common for companies to treat their employees like children.
How'd the parent get into your wife's office to begin with? She should stick up a big sign over some chairs outside the office, reading "Parent Waiting Area", and point to it firmly every time a parent tries to get into her office.