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Republicans in dilemma over "Religious Right"
Al-Reuters ^ | Nov 9, 2006 | Ed Stoddard

Posted on 11/09/2006 8:23:16 PM PST by Halfmanhalfamazing

DALLAS (Reuters) - Thumped in Tuesday's elections, the Republican Party faces a dilemma as it prepares for 2008: trying to claw back support in the center while keeping loyal conservative Christians happy. Religiously motivated social conservatives are an important base for base for President George W. Bush and the Republican Party, which lost control of both houses of Congress in the elections amid voter anger over corruption, intrusive government and the Iraq war.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: biasmeanslayoffs; conservativehitpiece; enemedia; trysellingthetruth
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You know, just earlier today I was jokingly talking to someone about how I can see the liberal media going around and putting out the notion that the loss-election was a loss for conservative ideology.........

While not as direct as I was expecting, I think this fits that bill.

Not only that, and this is the fun part. Look at page two. They quote this friggin guy..........

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"I think if they want to be a viable party in two years the Republicans will need to clean house. The party would have to be purged (of the 'Christian Right')," said Mark Crispin Miller, an author and professor of culture and communication at New York University.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

If you google his name, look at his blogspot. No, on second thought, don't look at it.

This guy is a kook. A KOOK! Moonbat! Jeez. Though I missed that admission from Reuters. Thought, that's typical in such hitpieces. Quote rabid leftists without tagging them as such. No, he's some objective bystander.

I hate the media. I really do. Their dishonesty will always bother me.

1 posted on 11/09/2006 8:23:18 PM PST by Halfmanhalfamazing
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To: governsleastgovernsbest

*phew* I feel a little better after that rant.

Seems like this might fit the newsbusters mold, no? Feel free to post it if you'd like.

2 posted on 11/09/2006 8:24:55 PM PST by Halfmanhalfamazing (Linux, the #2 OS. Mac, the #3 OS. That's why Picasa is on Linux and not Mac.)
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing

Iraqi and corruption were the reasons why the GOP got bounced. Notice, Republicans of every stripe fell from Chafee to Santorum.

3 posted on 11/09/2006 8:25:07 PM PST by Kuksool
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing

I don't know if Bush gets it, but I'm pretty confident that there are a number of elected Republicans that do. If Newt could PLEASE be made RNC chairman, that would illustrate to all of us that everyone gets it.

4 posted on 11/09/2006 8:26:38 PM PST by perfect_rovian_storm
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing

Well this is useful. Just take our enemeies helpful "Advice" and do the complete opposet. We will be all right. We lost a battle Tuesday, we did NOT lose the war

5 posted on 11/09/2006 8:27:23 PM PST by MNJohnnie (The Democrat Party: Hard on Taxpayers, Soft on Terrorism!)
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To: Kuksool

You know the real irony of all this is? The Dems do not have to do anything but wait. Keep the Junk Media occupied with show trials of Bush people in Congressional hearings plus a couple of bruising political fights over big glittery handout social spending emotionally appealing items like "Federal Funding for Stem cells" or "Global Warming" and let the Bush plan finish it's course in Iraq.

Oh they probably will make some cosmetic changes along the way. Their new calls to "hold an International Conference on Iraq" is a perfect example of a do nothing worth while at all time wasting maneuver. Then late 2007-2008 scream victory was caused by them as soon as any troops start coming home.

Bush and Rummy won the War for them. Now Old Boy Washington will have two years to revenge itself on him for his being right in 2003 and most of them being dead wrong. Just like some Know Nothing Freepers revenged themselves on Allen on Tuesday based on some absurd notion that "Getting Allen" would help McCain in 2008.

BTW, McCain is politically dead for his part in this. Most Republicans see him and the remaining members of the gang of 14 as a prime authors of our disastrous showing Tuesday. They were more interested the last 4 years in playing political games then moving the ball down the field. We will not forget their part in this.

The joker in the deck here is if the Democrats can sit on their moonbats long enough to NOT screw it up and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

The "Realists" should try reading the data on Iraq instead of clinging to their "realists" ideology dogmas. It is rather interesting.

6 posted on 11/09/2006 8:28:01 PM PST by MNJohnnie (The Democrat Party: Hard on Taxpayers, Soft on Terrorism!)
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To: Kuksool

No no, I understand that. I'm not arguing that.

But I don't see how hitpieces-disguised-as-news should be ignored.

Do you?

7 posted on 11/09/2006 8:28:20 PM PST by Halfmanhalfamazing (Linux, the #2 OS. Mac, the #3 OS. That's why Picasa is on Linux and not Mac.)
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing
It wasn't a blowout. We only lost the Senate by about 10,000 votes, and that was after umpteen months of the macaca kaka.

If the rats lost this one they would have been finished. Now they're just hanging on.

My biggest worry is now that the moonbats have power, they will be doing everything in their power to ruin the country. Stay vigilant.
8 posted on 11/09/2006 8:33:22 PM PST by Fido969 ("The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax." - Albert Einstein)
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing

Yes, I do. Everytime the GOP suffers amjor setbucks, the media blames the Religious Right. That's wishful thinking on their part. Social conservatives aren't going away.

9 posted on 11/09/2006 8:34:25 PM PST by Kuksool
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing

Both factions are attempted to being played for fools here. I live in a pretty Christian right part of the World. I dont get a sense that Social COnservatives are all upset at the Republican party. I also wonder if moderates are all that upset about the Christian Right or just told they should be.

10 posted on 11/09/2006 8:34:29 PM PST by catholicfreeper (Geaux Tigers SEC FOOTBALL ROCKS)
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing

The Republicans will NOT win if they move towards the Center and abandon the so-called Religious Right. The Party needs to be the same party it was in the 1980's and 1990's.

11 posted on 11/09/2006 8:34:41 PM PST by MarkDel
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing
I would say this election at least in the state of Missouri was a stealth election. What brought out more liberal voters was that minimum wage increase amendment. UNIONering which is legal got out their voters, whereas churches must stay silent on political candidates. I saw few ads promoting that amendment, all the money was on 'stem cell'.
12 posted on 11/09/2006 8:34:54 PM PST by Just mythoughts
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To: Kuksool
Exactly, think about it, we make values the cornerstone of our image, and then we refuse to act like we have any. From Foley to Ney.

It is instructive to note that the Dems who won were basically running on our platform, let's see if they can perform on the platform that they ran on...
13 posted on 11/09/2006 8:34:55 PM PST by padre35 ("money is the crack cocaine of politics" J. McCain before he left for a fundraiser)
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To: Fido969

The best thing we can do is IMHO educate people about the media's garbage and propaganda. By all means, cut and paste whatever I've said and send it off. I don't care.

Here's another great example of their garbage. It's only been three days!

I know I'm not gonna let this go unnoticed.

14 posted on 11/09/2006 8:35:08 PM PST by Halfmanhalfamazing (Linux, the #2 OS. Mac, the #3 OS. That's why Picasa is on Linux and not Mac.)
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing

I've never been impressed with Reuters that it has enough insight, understanding, or objectivity to permit it to say with any accuracy what Christian voters might or might not do.

15 posted on 11/09/2006 8:35:28 PM PST by My2Cents
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To: Kuksool

I know that. But it's not their job to attack social conservatives either.

16 posted on 11/09/2006 8:36:01 PM PST by Halfmanhalfamazing (Linux, the #2 OS. Mac, the #3 OS. That's why Picasa is on Linux and not Mac.)
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To: Kuksool
Iraqi and corruption were the reasons why the GOP got bounced.

War always erode political capital, you could ask Abraham Lincoln about that. The lefties are telling us, though, that the reason they won was their "ideas". Good Lord, they never had any ideas.

17 posted on 11/09/2006 8:36:11 PM PST by Fido969 ("The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax." - Albert Einstein)
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To: Halfmanhalfamazing
I know what to do! The answer is right bloody in front of us.

Anyone else remember how conservatism and by extension Republicans used to embrace ideas such as federalism and states rights? We have degenerated into a mob, I mean all Americans, fighting over highly concentrated power in Washington D.C. America is such a large place that different people are going to solve problems in different manners as it suits them. What seems like a good idea in New York City may be the height of stupidity in Butler, Alabama.

What do we get because of these natural differences and concentrated power, New Englanders struggling to control Washington so they can pass laws that Southerners are bound to resist and vice versa.

In fact, Republicans after the last four years or so are going to have to go earn back the state's rights crowd, because they did a bang up job of chasing them off.
18 posted on 11/09/2006 8:38:09 PM PST by Hawk1976 (And for my next trick I will use splel chuck.)
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To: MNJohnnie

With the RATS in power, the terrorists will be emboldened to kill more people in Iraqi to put pressure on the RATS to adopt Murtha's method. While people are dying, the media shall blame Bush. Chucky Schumer said Iraqi is still Bush's sole responsibility.

19 posted on 11/09/2006 8:39:10 PM PST by Kuksool
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To: Kuksool
Iraqi and corruption were the reasons why the GOP got bounced.

I think that you are wrong on this. The reason the GOP got booted is because the voters that the GOP count on refused to go to the polls on Tuesday. It's called the republican base. All that talk Tuesday about the republican base turning out was a huge lie. The truth is republican turnout was pathetically low, and that is why they did so bad. And the reason it was pathetically low is because the republicans who have been running congress recently have not adhered to republican principles and have relied too heavily on RINO's to keep control of congress. These RINO's have prevented the republican party from sticking to their principles. That's why they got booted.

I am convinced that the reason that the base stayed home is not because the base was unhappy about Iraq. I think they are fed up with the people representing them in a way that was not promised when we sent them to Washington. Only when they remember that it was conservatives who put them in power will they return to governing like conservatives. And if they govern like conservatives, no amount of democratic turnout will be able to beat the conservative turnout.
20 posted on 11/09/2006 8:40:27 PM PST by AaronInCarolina
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