Hear Howie Carr from 3 to 7 pm Eastern (rebroadcast ONLINE only at 1 am Eastern) here
We'll be checking out TV and radio coverage of the election returns.
Checking In!
"The voters have spoken...damn them!"
"We get the government we deserve."
"Politicians are like diapers: they need to be changed
often, and for the same reason."
"He had to retire because of ill health: The voters
got sick of him."--Howie Carr
Today's Poll
Who is going to win the Congress:
Republicans, both houses
Democrats, both houses
Split between the two
I voted for Split between the two but I'd like to
see Republicans win both houses (even if Senate is
50-50, Cheney breaks tie)
results so far
Who is going to win the Congress:
Republicans, both houses 47%
Democrats, both houses 10%
Split between the two 43%
Money well spent: as Howie pointed out, Christy was at 20 per cent in the polls, spent $3 million of his own money, and how is more like 5 per cent. "I'm winnin'..."
Healey put $9 million of her own money in I think I heard him say...total $42 million spent this yr in gov's race...
ChumpLine excerpts transcribed:
"Howie BLANKED Barney Frank?"
"#1 song in Plymouth MA: "I love coffee, I love tea"
(coffee thrown at 17 yr old girl-- Dunkin' employee)
"Mistah Speakah we must do away with the sales tax.
How many more must be splashed with this hot liquid?"
"'Did I do the introduction?' Are you having a senior moment?"
"Hey Fatboy--I'm not blaming Christy for this mess,
I'm blaming you. You had to spend the last 4 years
making fun of 'Muffy'..."
(Ironically enough on TV this afternoon the TV cartoon
'Arthur' had the aardvark running for some kind of office
against a schoolgirl named Muffy. Seriously!)
"I guess you'll say, who'll vote for Deval anyway,
Moonbats (moonbats, moonbats)" (tune of "My Girl")
"It ain't over till Muffy sings"
HC on Sean Healey: "If my wife had just spent almost $11 million to be mired in the low 30s of the polls, I wouldn't be smiling!"
"I voted for a black man: Jack E. Robinson. Who said
Republicans are racist?"
"Why couldn't Jack E. have run against Barney Frank instead?"--Howie
I'm slightly 'miffed' over Howie's "Muffy treatment" of Kerry Healy over the years... some of that could be coming home to roost tonight...
projections from Ch 38/Ch 4
Patrick projected as gov. Surprised?
CNN projects Democratic win in Rhode Island, beating incumbent Lincoln Chafee, giving the Democrats three of the six pickups they need to take control of the Senate.
CNN calling Cardin (D) over Steele (R) in MD even though their raw vote total has Steele in lead. CNN calling Lieberman (I)
over Lamont (D) in CT w/ 13 per cent reporting
(Incumbent) 55,450 46%
Democratic Lamont
51,209 43%
Republican Schlesinger
11,396 10%
well if anyone, myself included, has any news or comments
to give on the results in New England or nationwide, go
right ahead...otherwise see ya tomorrow on the Carr thread
(I'll continue to watch the TV coverage, etc. Some close
races: MD Sen, VA Sen etc.)
question 1--sell wine in food stores? 82 per cent in
FoxNews does now call the House for the Dems. Nancy With
The Frowning Face, apparent Speaker...?